A New Math!

A movie of Gloriana? Or of Babel? I think I’d watch the hell outta either of ‘em.


Emma Stone and Willem Defoe


Oh, yes, Poor Things is a great movie! I wrote about it in some other thread.


Per the more printable part of Amazon reviewer F.P. Barbieri’s summation of Mr. Moorcock’s book:
… the climax of this story has a thief and murderer - oh, yes, sorry, a romantic thief and murderer, that makes so much difference to his victims - raping a woman who happens to be the Queen of England (again, that makes so much difference to the rape!); which she enjoys so much that she makes him king consort, with a certain amount of diplomatic lies to smooth his path.

Hmm! That does not really sound like my kind of book, but thanks for the recommendation. I must admit I had never heard of the term “Gloriana” in relation to Queen Elizabeth’s reign. We live & learn.


And let’s not forget the Innuit language and its dialects with, from what I recall, over a hundred expressions for “snow”.
Only the avid skiers (both downhill and cross country) I knowhave more than the four usually used in my area: snow, wet snow, dry snow and slush, which to me is not really snow in a pure form.


Well, see, “Gloriana” isnt really about the real Elizabeth I ( although obvs the tile refers to her). It seems to be,I dk, an alternate or parallel universe.

Since you’re not afraid to tackle the door-stopper length books, I also recommend Alan Moore’s “Jerusalem”. (The title refers to William Blake’s Jerusalem, not to the beleaguered city in the Middle East). This book is…a couple of novels in one, each one a masterpiece of its genre. If you read it, let me know.


Hey so Emma Stone got Best Actress for her rôle as Bella Baxter in Poor Things! If it comes again to a theater near you, go see it!


It’s on Hulu already!

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