Unacceptable bias against Islam…
This will not stand…
I hope you’re right.
Just thinkin’:
The Muzzies’ problem with the Jews was that they wouldn’t recognize Mohammed as a Prophet. But the Jews, like the Muz, were at least strict monotheists.
As for the Christians, the tripartite deity was a bigger problem for the Muz. And I’ve often wondered why the early church, beset by polytheistic creeds, went with the doctrine of the Trinity. But as for the djinni-come-lately Islam, Ive read that the most dire blasphemy you can commit in Islam is any suggestion that Allah is not THE One and only. The passage referred to as the Satanic verses posited the existence off a female deity, Allat.
I just reviewed this thread and I agree with everything I wrote ! ( and everything you wrote too, @civilwestman !) But OTOH, the Muz are only about,what, 650,years behind us in time, and our. Enlightenment was a little over 3 centuries ago, now, so, “sheikh” a leg you towelheads!
There is a book published periodically about the wars going on around the world at the time. I once upon a time read it, as I was still in the military and so possibly mobilizable for some fight.
THE most interesting aspect was that it seemed that at any given moment, there are about 1/2 the number of wars as nations, and that of all those wars, about 75% were muslims against someone else. No matter where in the world you look, muslims are fighting someone ELSE. That should be a frightening statistic!