Dear Elon: A letter from Sam Hyde

The issue here goes beyond visas—it was just a catalyst that brought up several issues, including the replacement of white people and the thinking that “native” Americans are inherently inferior in some way.

I’m not one of the people who assumes this. The fact that we cannot produce enough STEM graduates represents a systemic problem in our society that needs to be addressed honestly. For example, our education system (K-12) is totally broken and we are not utilizing our human capital anywhere near its potential.

No argument here. I would love our leaders (both political and business) to talk about this honestly, but they won’t.


Let’s get on the same page with regard to definitions. The native Indians were replaced by Europeans. There were wars and the Indians were killed or forcibly removed from land. No I am not one that cares about what was done many years ago. The point is about the use of force.

Nobody is forcibly replacing whites. Whites are not reproducing at a replacement rate. I can’t find historical fertility rates by race, but we know that the below graph was predominately white well into the 70s and that the fertility rates dropped rapidly during this period (well before immigration issues).

I don’t believe in the clean slate idea and I don’t believe genetics is everything. I think in terms of distributions. That distributions of populations overlap with regard to any characteristic. That the distribution is significantly impacted by your environment. The distribution shift from the environment may not be great, but it significantly impacts the tails of the distribution. An example of this is the outcomes of single parent homes (especially when the single parent is the mother). What happens is that the distribution shifts and this shift may seem minor (the majority of children of single parent homes come out fine), but instead of having say 1% of the children with issues we get 5 or 10% of the children with issues. I don’t know the exact percentages maybe it is 5% normally and 15% when the distribution shifts.

When I look at the graph below it is hard not to say that environment can overwhelm genetics. If there would be a trait that is genetic it would be the desire to reproduce and yet this has rapidly changed. That is environmental. The fact that children of single mothers have a much higher probability of having issues is environmental.

When I think about the family, the work team, the neighborhood, the community or the nation who I want to be apart of, I could give a rats ass about the race makeup. I care about the ideas they hold. I don’t have much time for people that think I owe them something because they exist regardless of their race.

I had an Indian woman professor that taught me calculus and a Japanese male professor that taught me electromagnetic field theory. I have a Indian woman oncologist that I am seeing. You think I would rather have one of my nephews that has prescription weed because they can’t handle the stress of life be my oncologist because they are white or because they are part of my family? Let me tell you that I really don’t want one of those white chicks that was painting the statues of our supposedly shared heritage teaching me calculus.
I have now had two teachers that teach in overwhelmingly white communities tell me that the Hispanic kids are well behaved and the problem kids are white.

I missed all the Indians and Asians that participated in the BLM riots. I did see a significant amount of white folks. As far as I can tell Antifa is predominately white folks. I have much less in common with those people than I do with the various people of other races that I know.


Thank you.


Here is a simple way to understand. If I have to blindly draw from a pool, I would draw from the white pool. If I get to select, I don’t care about race.

I choose Justice Thomas over ACB. I choose Thomas Sowell over Paul Krugman.

That’s the difference between mass immigration and what the H1B immigration is supposed to be.

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Amy Coney Barrett has been disappointing, not terrible but disappointing but I digress…


Whaddya expect, she’s a coney.


This is the classic statistical fallacy: “but I know this woman who is taller than most men — QED”

Wouldn’t it be cool if people understood distribution functions better, or at all? Maybe they could read James Damore’s memo from 2017. Can you believe it’s been almost eight years?

Cribbed from Damore:


I think you just illustrated with a graph of what I posted.

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The topic is specifically about Elon Musk and the H1B visa and not about illegal immigration.

There are several reasons I get animated over those that get their panties in a bind over Elon’s comments. One is that this is the type of thing used to defeat progress. Absolutism doesn’t work in a country that has elections. There is a long game. It took a long time to get this messed up. It isn’t going to be fixed permanently in four years. I assume the idiots didn’t learn anything from Trump’s last term. Who cares that he reduced illegal immigration for four years when it explodes right after he leaves office. We need permanent fixes not people running around with their hair on fire.

One of the political methods used to defeat immigration reform during Trumps first term was the “dreamers”. I don’t think the “dreamers” should have been given citizenship, but I would much rather they have been given citizenship than another 15 million illegals allowed to walk on in.

Politically stupid absolutists cause more harm even if they are right. As I heard it phrased about Republicans. Like a bunch of autistic people hitting themselves in the nuts with a stick. The left has led the country down this path by having a long game. Notice they didn’t promote child mutilation 20 years ago. You have to get and hold power for a long time. We need an increasing House and Senate majority not two years and Nancy reappears.


Court jester

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Nope, you still don’t get it. You gave an example of two individual outlier cases to “prove” your point. I’ll spell it out more explicitly with this little vignette:

person A: Men are taller than women.
person B: You’re wrong. I know this really tall woman. So there!!!
A: Okay but if you’re recruiting for a basketball team, your best bet will be to have tryouts for men. Furthermore, you will lose little by only considering men. If there is any cost to broadening your search, it will probably be a net loss.
B: But there’s at least one super tall woman so you’re wrong.
A: sigh

The example of Sowell and Krugman is not meaningful because there is no option to swap one for the other. Krugman would still exist no matter how much you like Sowell. Humans are not interchangeable.

Furthermore, while Tom Sowell is a smart guy who has made useful intellectual contributions, he is a blank-slater. His opinions, some good and some not-so-good, are all built on a flawed foundation. Sowell and the Left agree on this fundamental point. As long as the Blank Slate is the assumption that underlies the human sciences, the egalitarian model of the Left will prevail and lead to bad policy and harms. Biology will not be mocked.

Playing your swapping-humans game, I choose Steven Pinker over Tom Sowell because, even though Pinker is a leftist with many erroneous ideas, he is a biological realist. Much to the chagrin of his fellow leftists, he even published a book about it. Apologetic as he is for his thesis, at least he’s slouching towards reality. (Apologies to Yeats)


72% of voters believe that legal immigration is good for America and illegal immigration is bad. Those numbers have held steady for decades and aren’t likely to change.

Scott Rasmussen has obviously never heard of a preference cascade. Opinions change rapidly and unpredictably. Until recently, there was little support for reducing immigration. Or, as Gallup put it, Sharply More Americans Want to Curb Immigration to U.S. Notice it’s not just about illegal immigration.

Poll results are often influenced by the phrasing of questions and the order in which they are asked. In the last five years there has been a stunning reversal in support for immigration generally.


Here is what I said:

That has no relationship to your example. Your implying that I am arguing that if I can find one sample from one population that is the same or better than from another that the populations are equivalent. Fairly obvious I wasn’t making that argument.

I can say if I have a sample from a population (purple dot from the purple distribution) that this sample is above the average of the green population. If the trait is height, I can say the purple sample is taller than the average of the green population. I can say they are taller than the shortest in the green population.

Somehow you are taking away that I am saying the populations are equivalent even when I specifically said if I have to draw randomly from a population I would choose a given population which obviously is saying that I don’t consider the populations to be equivalent.

You don’t understand the point. Maybe because I am using specific people to point out that in my opinion there are individuals within one population that are better than individuals in another population. The populations overlap.

The example has nothing to do with whether they exist or not. It is an attempt to show populations overlap.

The definition of interchangeable is: capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability

If we are not capable of being replaced without loss of function, what happens when people die?

The discussion isn’t about interchangeability anyway. Recall that the topic started with H1B visas. By law the employer must attest that there are no qualified US applicants.

You are missing the point and putting words in my mouth. There is no discussion about swapping humans. If giving specific names throws you off, let me say it without names. There are people that are not white that are better for society than a white drugged out bum laying in the street.

If you want to argue that the white drugged out bum is better for society than any person of any other race have at it. Don’t try to incorrectly state what I am saying and then argue that the incorrect version is a fallacy.

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Talk about putting words in the mouths of others.

As for the rest, I give up. You are a blank slater and you still don’t get statistics.

People can take Vivek’s points in a variety of ways. I have my own take. He is talking about the issue. Let me explain as an example of how I view it.

Aberdeen, South Dakota had two colleges. One was a Catholic college for nurses. It is no longer open. Not because there isn’t a demand for nurses. It got into financial problems at least in part to the fact they built a multi-million dollar arena for basketball. This would have been an NAIA division school. Across town, Northern State University is now a NCAA division 2 school. The quarterback gets paid $30,000. They maybe draw between 300 and 500 fans for their games.

My nephew is on a basketball team at a small school in North Dakota. There are two kids on that team that grew up within 600 miles (probably 1000 miles) of that school. They probably average 100 fans per game. Somebody flew to Texas, Florida, etc to recruit these players.

My nephew is an A student in biology. He was recruited for basketball, but not for his academic aptitude.

I have a great nephew that is in his freshman year for engineering. He had a 3.5 grade point average and a pretty high ACT. I can’t remember, but I think it was 28. My sister asked me to help him with scholarship applications. He didn’t need my help because he was all over it. However, no college recruited him. No school official even talked to him about going to a STEM program.

I believe there are 500,000 NCAA athletes and about half get financial assistance.

Ohio State made $279 million dollars from it’s athletic programs.

Something is wrong and when someone like Vivek suggests something is wrong he is ridiculed.

Here is what I would suggest. I would say we want to eliminate the need for H1B visas in 10 years. In order to do this we need to double the amount of graduates in the fields that are in demand. This is a NASA go to the moon critical mission.

What we are going to do is the following. We will generate two billion dollars per year from H1B fees that corporations will pay. This money will be added to a pool that funds the new critical mission. We will require every University that funds athletic scholarships to fund an equivalent critical need academic scholarship whether at that University or at another University within the same State. Div 1 schools alone fund 3.6 billion in athletic scholarships. Whatever these schools spend on their on their athletic department an equal amount will be provided to the critical need program. This will be used to fund the academic departments to accomplish the same thing it funds for athletics. Recruitment, facilities, personnel, etc.

In 2021, the federal government funded $174.9 billion in postsecondary education programs, with approximately 65% going to student aid, 27% to grants, and 8% to contracts. This suggests that for grants specifically, around $47.223 billion (27% of $174.9 billion) was allocated.

This will be prioritized to fund critical need programs. It can start with need based and any excess will be provided regardless of need until all critical needs programs are fully funded.

Each University will prioritize the critical need programs for their normal scholarship funding. Any scholarships that are not specifically directed by the scholarship funder will be used for students of critical needs programs.

Now that we have plenty of funding. We will use this funding not just to provide full scholarships, but to incentivize Universities to grow their program by giving those that grow their critical needs program excess funding and we will use certification to prevent grade inflation.

Each University that has a program for the critical needed degrees will need to grow graduations by 7% per year which will double the amount of graduates in 10 years. If it is growing it gets money. If it isn’t, it doesn’t.

This is just off the top of the head, but there is plenty of funding available if properly directed.

Edit: .

We will know we are making progress when we see academic recruitment like athletic recruitment. The high school football coach, the parents, the athlete and the recruiter discussing all the great advantages of their particular school and offering to fly the athlete out to take a look around. Hopefully, we will see the science teacher, the student, the parents and the academic recruiter discussing the benefits of Ohio States math department and offering to fly the student out to take a look around. Yea they flew me out and put me up at this fantastic hotel. The engineering students took me out for some fun and gave me all this swag. It was great, but I want to go take a look at Purdue before deciding.


One last thing. I do believe that the strength of every nation is mostly based on ideas. Our beliefs, values, principals, etc. are all ideas. We went down the path of what isn’t ideas, but my perspective is that this isn’t necessary.

The problem with H1B is that we do not select for ideas. We select for job skill. A great engineer can think a woman is the property of her husband.

I am personally leery of Europeans. Many of the Germans I worked with believe hate speech is a crime. I don’t find that acceptable.

There already is a bimodal distribution around ideas, values and beliefs in the US. It is a problem and it isn’t just an immigration problem. There are plenty of homegrown Marxists.


It might be better to put those ‘athletic scholarship matching funds’ into rebuilding primary and secondary education rather than into the diseased tertiary education system.

We each see the world through a keyhole - what I saw through my keyhole was the stunning mathematical abilities of Nigerian students. A lot of the damage to the human potential of US children is done long before the university level.

However, once we have rebuilt the primary & secondary education to encourage (once again) the 3Rs, it will take about 15 years to see the better-educated students emerge from the other end. And that does not address the question of how long it will first take to develop the better teachers for those schools. Fixing the mess of the educational system is a long-term multi-generational task … and we are not good at long-term thinking.


Harold Logan pointed out:

This growing achievement gap is fueled by a specifically African-American variety of anti-intellectualism that puts our children at an even greater distance from Enlightenment values than their white and Asian peers.

Sadly, his article is gone, shouted down by Ta-Nehisi Coates in The Atlantic (funded by Steve Jobs’ wife) with this elaborate argument (all the typos are his own):

Uh, you talking to me? Is he talking to me?? Well given that 20 years ago, I was exactly 12 and on the precipice of my teen years, I think he is talking to me. Seriously, this is the sort of claim tossed out by people who are just tired of thinking. In Logan’s defense, he argues that America at large is increasingly anti-intellectual (not sure I even buy that). But to buttress his main point, he offers, literally, NO proof that shows black people today are in the grips of neandrathalism. Logan just leans on a John Mcwhorter book written some eight years ago.

In the remainder of the text of his attack on Logan, Coates cites research from Hoover Institution arguing against public education. Maybe a topic for the Stopped Clocks and Blind Squirrels.

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