Elon Musk Announces xAI

This brings up an idea for a business that might be called “Answer The Question Already”:

Patron places money in an escrow account.
Patron posts a question to be posed to one or more persons.
Patron associates a dollar amount with each question, person pair, never exceeding the escrowed amount.
The first person to answer a question posed to them (even if flippant*, like the answer Yann LeCun gave me), collects the total of all money from all patrons associated with that question, person pair.
The escrow accounts are reduced accordingly.

For instance, I asked xAI (a legal person) a concise, and very clear question that is at the very heart of science as it relates to emperical data, hence that gets to the heart of their mission, that Musk’s introductory Twitter Spaces didn’t remotely approach.

*The reason even flippant answers are “acceptable” is to flush out those that hold the world in insular contempt – usually due to their “Stature” that clearly needs to be taken down a few notches in their legacy.