Generative Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, and Image Synthesis

Niall Ferguson argues that the United States is increasingly resembling the late Soviet Union in several concerning ways[1]:

  1. Gerontocratic leadership, with aging presidents like Biden (81) and Trump (78) reminiscent of late Soviet leaders.

  2. Public cynicism and lack of confidence in major institutions, with polls showing very low trust in government, media, and other organizations.

  3. A dysfunctional healthcare system that is expensive but delivers poor outcomes.

  4. Rising “deaths of despair” among working class Americans, similar to increased mortality in late Soviet Russia.

  5. An ideological divide between elites and the general public on issues like climate change, education, and individual freedom.

  6. Questionable use of the legal system against political opponents.

  7. Chronic budget deficits and government intervention in the economy.

  8. Stagnant productivity growth despite technological advances.

Ferguson suggests these parallels indicate the U.S. may be vulnerable in its current geopolitical rivalry with China, potentially repeating Soviet mistakes. He argues America needs to address these internal issues to avoid “becoming the Soviets” in a new Cold War[1].

[1] Niall Ferguson: We’re All Soviets Now Niall Ferguson: We’re All Soviets Now