The closest I came to Hardy was the work I did with Bruce J. MacLennan and David P. Reed who were involved with the Intel 432 architecture and its iMax OS file system respectively. My interest wasn’t directly in the capabilities based architecture of the 432/iMaxOS so much as it was in what these guys might be able to offer the futures architecture I was in charge of for the mass market rollout of the AT&T+Knight-Ridder nation-wide network: VIEWTRON. I had looked seriously at the 432 while at Arden Hills operations at CDC because it was apparent the architects left behind by Cray were getting themselves into some serious weeds – slowing things down to the point that I wouldn’t be able to benchmark an economic mass market version of the PLATO system. They were trying to deal with capabilities in the Cyber 180 series, and I wanted to understand what they were doing and why they were putting so much into hardware.
I addressed this obliquely in:
I suppose one thing I did carry forward from that work was a recommendation I made to some of the HP “Internet Chapter 2” (eSpeak) guys circa 1999 that they seriously consider a paradigm in which network objects were identified by RSA public keys. But that whole thing turned out to be just a scam to get H-1bs MBAs at Stanford, as part of the takeover of the Fortune 1000 by India.
Although that obviates cybersecurity at an entirely different level of abstraction, I became insistent on Algorithmic Information Theory and minimum complexity systems in part because I saw that as an indirect way of breaking through to that particular attack vector and killing two birds with one stone. No one would suspect that I was actually going to clean out the information industry of a foreign influence by such an abstract principle. Unfortunately, by the time my old college friend got in charge of Microsoft, it was too late. They had him.
So I’m stuck trying to do things to reform the social pseudosciences with basically zero comprehension by the people who need it the most. Not even Charles Murray – who should be all over it – is remotely capable of understanding.