Modern Warfare



It seems the RU tank has a new explosive reactive armor (ERA) on its cope cage (not just 1970s vintage ERA bricks).

Also, UA appears to have ERA on its M-1:

Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense – 13 Sep 19

M-19 Abrams Reactive Armor Tile (ARAT) - Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense

State-of-the-Art Reactive Armor for Enhanced Tank Protection. Lightweight & Modular for Easy Installation.

Seems to me that ALL modern tanks now have some version of ERA, else they can hardly expect to survive on the battlefield. Ukraine is only the latest to demonstrate this, being without much in terms of equipment manufacturing and fighting a reasonably modern combat force.


Remotely controlled self-propelled machine guns (deep link into the section):

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How the Magura drone works (hint: there’s a Starlink inside):


The current retreat of Zelensky’s forces from Avdeevka is interesting. Internet scuttlebut had it that Zelensky replaced army chief Zaluzhny with Syrsky since Zaluzhny wanted to pull back from places like Avdeevka. But now Syrsky has ordered a retreat.

There is some speculation that the remaining Ukrainian forces had already started to abandon Avdeevka, and Syrsky’s retreat order was a post-facto effort to get control of the situation.

History – back in 1918, after years of immobile trench warfare, the Allies launched a major offensive against Germany’s Siegfried line in early August, and finally broke through at the end of September. This at last made it possible for the Allies to advance towards German territory, leading the Germans to seek an end to the conflict. Perhaps it would be wise for today’s German leadership to remind Zelensky of this history – and to push for a smarter outcome than the Treaty of Versailles?


It’s more than just rumors; they’re done. Even the Regime warmongers are beginning to plan for what comes next and worry about the damage they’ve cause to the GAE.


I’ve seen some reports about a messy withdrawal, and they seem to have been confirmed:


Yeah, as I said a couple of days ago. It was a rout.

If you’re reading the NYT for news about Ukraine, be aware that they, like all Regime media, will only reluctantly report bad news. They will be late in reporting, if they report it at all. Thank goodness for small favors, I guess.


I believe it has long been argued about what to do about Ukraine. It is one thing to be “supportive” and quite another to induce the damage and push the limits of war, especially upon a poor nation like Ukraine.

Revolution is serious business. When we think of “revolution” we think of 1775, 1860, The Alamo. But revolutions are rarely won by shear military application, especially today. Usually the “bully” (some government) takes to trying to force the populace to aquiess by force. That includes cops, troops, etc. There is plenty of real world experience of this.

We did NOT “lose” Vietnam militarily; we lost it politically. Same could be said for the French in Algeria, or the NorKo’s in Korea. Poland won its freedom from Russia without a shot being fired. Treadeau and his ruffians look to be about to be tossed, and he even turned his cops on the truckers. Judge Obregon (or however he spells his satanic name) is about to lose NYC some big cash as numerous commercial interests are planning on leaving the city, and the lowly truck drivers are vowing NOT TO BRING ANY PRODUCT to NYC if the $350 million fine remains,

Things change. This is to be expected when the cost of modern warfare is so high. The rate of change has been much like tat of the private sector, and poor nations cannot hope to compete. Thus revolutions must also adapt, using new methods to get their desired result. Ukraine will NOT win its war with Russia so long as it, too, employs the same basic tactics as Russia. The USSR did not beat Hitler because we gave Stalin tons of war materiel - although we did. They beat the Nazis because they used our donated war materiel to hold back the Krauts just long enough to rebuild their industrial capacity east of the Urals, so out of reach of those pesky lilttle Stukas. And when they had built enough, they came out and surrrounded the Nazis at Kursk - and broke their little tank collection. Kursk was probably THE biggest tank battle in WWII - and the Germans lost. They lost so many tanks they could never rebuild their strategic reserve.


I think we have lost every war since WWII politically. Each conflict we lose politically makes it more likely we will lose the next. After Vietnam, it didn’t take a genius to see that all you have to do to “win” against the US is to hold out.

Every lost conflict increases the probability the next conflict will be lost. If this isn’t bad enough, the elites decided it was a good idea to divide the country and then to double down by actually attacking half the population.

Radigan Carter is just some dude I ran across on X. I think he is a merc. He writes a blog. The following quotes from his last blog.

At first you can ask someone, then you tell them, then you sanction them, but when that doesn’t work, and it never works entirely since there is always someone who will buy at a discount, everything has a price relative to risk/reward at some point, then if you are determined to make them comply, you have to make them through violence.

For violence to work, the country/entity/person enforcing the rules has to be fully
committed to wielding a level of violence that makes the other side feel having your will enforced on them is less painful than them continuing to resist your will.

Violence is about gaining compliance by breaking the other side’s will, it has nothing to do with their physical means of fighting. You are embarking on an endeavor to break them emotionally and mentally as a person, people, or nation.

The ultimate example of this was the US dropping atomic bombs on Japan. We not only broke an ancient empire which had never been conquered by a foreign power in their entire history. We broke their future generations ability to even mentally comprehend waging a war against us ever again.


And that brings us to the question of Israel.

I believe Judge N and his prof buddy have gone soft. Complaining about the Gaza residence’ misery - a self-imposed misery I should add - is a bit of rubbing dirt into the Jews’ wounds.

Let us not forget a COUPLE facts. “Palestine” was a name inflicted upon the Jewish region because they had had the temerity to object to Roman conquering. Mesada happened, and the Romans got mad and renamed the whole area - Palestine. It was no more arab land than it was Norwegian. “From the River to the Sea” was, indeed, PALESTINE - Jewish land. This whole “Palestine” issue was created by the muzzies to aid in their fight against Jews.

Let’s also not forget Gaza was turned over to them lock, stock, and barrel. They’re the ones that have turned it into a shit-hole; Before them it was a vacation spot.

AND let’s remember the thousands laughing, dancing in the streets, and generally being ecstatic over 9/11. In the 20 some intervening years nothing has changed. The arabs are still the sneaky, cowardly bunch they always. were, and just as anti—American as ever. The Ruskies may not love us nor hang out at our favourite bar, but they’re at least relatively “normal” otherwise.

What Hamas did is simply unacceptable. They have earned the scorn and obliteration of free men everywhere. Abbdullah of Jordan is ONLY there in Jordan thanks to Lloyd George and the WWI “solution” in which England went back on her word to the Zionists and created this fake country called Trans-Jordan originally. And what comes out of the mouth for Abdullah is only government-speak:
Search for the guilty
Punishment of the innocent
Praise and honours for the uninvolved.

I say turn the Israelis loose. NO ONE has sympathy for an infestation of rats.


Mearsheimer certainly knows how to trigger all the right people.


A person who listened to the interview would know that Mearsheimer never used the term Palestine or Palestinian. The interviewer used it twice in passing: once to quote an Israeli government official. Unsurprisingly, none of this comment is responsive to Mearsheimer’s facts or arguments. One would need to hear the arguments before one could respond to them.


Some may be interested in this long analysis of the changing nature of warfare, as evidenced by the conflict in the Ukraine.

The Future of the SMO [Part 2] - by Simplicius The Thinker (

Trigger Alert: Simplicius clearly sympathizes with the Russian side, but he appears to be trying to be objective in his analysis.

Key points:

  1. The Fog of War has been dispersed, because of continuous observation by satellites and drones. Surprise is no longer possible – for either side.

  2. Any concentration of forces for a “Big Arrow”-type attack immediately gets attacked. Consequently, the premium is on dispersal of forces and decentralization of control, down to the level of small units, or even individual soldiers.

  3. The improvements in defensive weapons means that the usefulness of heavy equipment like tanks, helicopters, close air support has been significantly reduced.

  4. Cheap quantity is prevailing over expensive quality.


I am thinking this applies to naval warfare too as the Houthi’s are demonstrating. I guess the US/Ukrainian sinking ships in the black see also demonstrates, but the Houthi are showing that a high tech well funded effort isn’t required.

I notice there is little or no discussion on why the Gerald Ford had to pull out of the potential conflict zone. The latest and greatest cannot participate in conflicts or is it still not working? My guess is it maybe is the Bismarck of carriers.


Ford reached the end of its normal cruise duration. There likely were issues of crew rotation and scheduling of maintenance facility time that required it to go back.

Accompanied by a cruiser, Bismarck took on the largest ship in the Royal Navy, accompanied by the newest battleship in the Royal Navy. Then, to avoid a nonexistent threat, its moronic captain decided to zigzag rather than head straight to port. It got hit by a lucky torpedo shot from an archaic aircraft so slow that the air antiaircraft mechanical fire control computers couldn’t hit it.

The torpedo hit jammed the rudder and left it a sitting duck.


And there apparently was not another super-carrier available to take its place? Maybe our war-mongering rulers’ reach exceeds their grasp? Undoubtedly evil China will have noticed and can plan accordingly.


I guess we will have to wait and see if she can return to the hot zone. The guys in flip flops will likely be at it for quite some time.

My point wasn’t that the Bismarck was totally ineffective. It was that Germany and others built a nice battleships right when battleships were no longer the key to naval power.


Prince of Wales is the default example.


This has been true for quite some time. All the wars that the GAE has lost in the past decades are examples, most recently in Afghanistan.

Raytheon, Lockheed, and Northrop Grumman most affected.