REpiphany: Christianity’s perpetual self-pity

The early Christians opposed abortion and infanticide. This is clearly stated as a rule in the Didache, from about the year 100 AD.

It is rooted in the teaching that God is the author of life and that children are a gift from God.


Welp—but that ain’t Gospel, as they say.

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Hm’mmm…I think that’s what my BMD would call an “urban legend”. ( He calls everything that if he doesn’t agree it’s true; it’s annoying!) But i mean, what do we women wanna do with “bad boys”? Save ‘em, reform ‘em….s’why Huck Finn lit out for the Territory. It’s like the joke about the elephant seeing a male human sexual organ: “It’s cute, but can you BREATHE through that thing?” No, we women want sump’n we can breathe through…you good boys are the winners.


Didn’t say ALL women. Just that an “inordinate number” are.

Girls mature more quickly than boys, but it doesn’t mean they’re smart about it. Bet Bill Gates had a hard time getting dates in HS, and probably even in college. His “date ability” only went up when the value of Microsoft went up.


Well, Dev, have it your way…I certainly can’t claim to be authorized to speak for all my sex!
Hey speaking’ of the Gateses—y’gotta feel sorry for them, getting divorced…I heard they tried everything to fix their marriage—including turning it off and turning it back on again……


Contrary to popular opinion divorce is ugly for all involved. There are no “winners”.


I beg to differ: how about the divorce attorneys, psychotherapists, real estate agents, Ikea, dating apps, and Big Tech that connects them to the victims?


Ah, yes. The dregs of society. Bottom feeders always do well on other people’s tragedies.


Ok well actually there ARE losers, and they are the lower or non-earning spouses. That’s often the woman, especially of the couple has hd children. The earner moves out, takes up with someone else, they live well, he has money coming in. The loser sits in the marital home waiting desperately for his monthly contribution to the mortgage, and to the kids’ expenses, for years, while her counsel attempts to get information about how much he is “ really “ worth, and his counsel delays and delays. Meanwhile the divorce is bifurcated from the property distribution; he’s free, he marries again! Fault divorce was the only chance the non-earner had of coming out of it with any kinda compensation.

. I hate “family law” , it should be called “anti-family law.”Oh but yes there’s a winner and a loser, every time.


We are showing our ages, Hypatia. That is the way it used to be – before trendy companies started filling every position they could with women. It was certainly correct to remove discrimination against capable women, but it was wrong to replace it with discrimination against men. Result is lots of younger men in lower paying jobs, or no jobs at all.

This is all part of the tragedy of stupid government laws & policies which have resulted in young men not being interested in marriage, sad slutty behavior by women, a declining number of children, and unhealthy fatherless environments in which too many of those few children grow up. There will be a reckoning!


If the couple doesn’t have children, the woman may well be the higher earning spouse. But if they do, never, in my experience. Somebody has got to be home. Based on my recent cases I think my analysis is still accurate.
But I just wrote on JW’s thread (Is the US an Engine that destroys families?) how different things are if a really young woman gets pregnant…it’s true in those situations the young father doesn’t count for anything.


I think you are being too narrow in your view. Yes, the lower or non-paid females can be monetary losers but money isn’t everything. A broken home is a broken home. The children suffer, even if the remaining spouse either does well monetarily OR remarries someone more compatible. There are dads who still have an active interest in their children, but it is hard to do a proper “dad” job from a distance.

So I will go back to my original statement - everyone (bottom-feeders excepted) is a loser in a divorce.


My older sister and her husband are a counter-example. Her Masters in finance out-earned his Associates in Electronics. When their first arrived, he quit to stay home. And no, he’s no slacker.


I know this will sound…oh, I don’t know, maybe funny, maybe stupid, but one of those advice columns, AnnLanders or Dear Abby , consistently told women considering a divorce to ask them selves: are you better off with him or without him?

That is so smart, mother-wit.

For many married people who are tired of each other, less than ecstatic about the relationship (both men AND women) if they really thought through what is going to ensue when they divorce, the answer would very frequently be “with”.

But truly, I shouldn’t opine on the subject,still rejoicing in the mate of my youth. C’mon, I know some of you are divorced: give Dev a little pushback!


My daughter is one of your “non-existent” examples. She has always outearned her husband. Since her two kids have come along she has cut back some on work but still makes more than he does. But it doesn’t seem to affect their marriage.


If they got divorced who would end up with the kids? And how would that affect that spouse’s earning ability?

I’m getting the feeling you gents think I’m some kinda rabid feminist determined to see divorcées as victims of the patriarchy. I’m really not. And I think the way men, even married men, are treated with regard to power over the zygote to which they contributed sperm is shocking, as I’ve been writing on JW’s thread.

Increasingly, the lower or non-earning spouse could be either party. So congrats to Dev’s daughter and and Phil’s sister.

No, money isn’t everything, but um, it DOES facilitate getting nice, comfortable, pleasurable things. Which the higher earning spouse will still be able to do; the other, not so much.


No, Hyp. I don’t think you’re some rabid feminist. I think you’re a lawyer and a smart one. But what you do colours how you think. I doubt anyone here has any disillusions about who I am. I think you’re no different. You and @1789Libertarian have similar thought processes, even if you don’t come to the same conclusions. @civilwestman and I also share similar thought processes, even though we don’t come to the same conclusions. These are functions, I believe, of who you are as a person, how you’ve been trained, and what you did with that training.


Okay, @civilwestman :
or Dev?
( Hee Hee, just funnin’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:! )


One should always pick the lady.


I have always tried hard to obfuscate my having any thought process!

But if I am to have one, I’m proud to have it placed on the same level as Hyp’s.