SU-27 vs Predator

Something was niggling me about that video.

Looking at it again – before the alleged “collision”, when the camera turned back to look towards the rear of the drone (presumably to avoid the fuel dump messing up the camera), the propellor is seen turning clockwise from the camera’s perspective. Then, after the alleged “collision”, the propellor is still shown turning clockwise – with the tip of one blade of the propellor bent towards the direction of rotation.

Surely if a propellor blade hit something robust enough to bend the blade, that blade would be bent opposite from the direction of rotation?

Certainly, a damaged propellor blade would result in serious vibration because of the unbalanced masses and put the airframe at risk. But think about those WWII movies of heavily damaged propellor-driven bombers returning to base after flights of hundreds of miles. In comparison, this case seems like a trivial amount of damage to have resulted in the drone being unable to keep flying.


OK – here is some pure speculation, based on the historical incident of the War of Jenkins Ear. England declared war on Spain in 1739 over a bar fight in Havana in which an English sailor’s ear was cut off by a Spaniard. Of course, no-one in England really cared that much for Jenkins’ amputated ear – simply the rulers of England were looking for an excuse to start a war with Spain.

So the Biden MalAdministration sends a drone towards the Crimea with its responders turned off, expecting/hoping that the Russians would shoot it down – thereby giving the Biden crew an excuse to graduate from proxy to all-out war. But instead of shooting the drone down, the Russians dumped fuel upon it – equivalent to issuing a radio warning to a piloted aircraft. Logically, the drone should have turned around (360 degrees, as that German warmongering woman says) and flown away from Crimea. But it did not, since the whole aim was to create another Gulf of Tonkin incident.

The Russians dumped more fuel on the drone. At that point, realizing that the Russian might not shoot down the drone, the Biden crew dumped it into the Black Sea – and got some existing video of a drone with a damaged propellor to try to put out the story that it was all Russia’s fault.

We are already seeing Senate Republicrats demanding that the US shoot down Russian planes. Unfortunately, both the War of Jenkins Ear and the Gulf of Tonkin turned into very costly affairs for all sides. Let’s hope that sanity prevails in this occasion, and the Biden crew stop their dangerous provocations.


Frame rate of the camera often makes revolving things seem to rotate in the wrong direction and at wrong speed.


Or sometimes not rotate at all….


Right off Crimea:


If we put depleted uranium tips on the propeller blades, would the Flanker have been taken out?


If the Russian jet had been destroyed in Russian air space, how long before Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin would have been smoking holes in the ground?

Doesn’t anyone realize just how close to the edge of the crumbling cliff Biden*'s proxy war has taken us all?


DOD releases some video


Whether or not this was botched depends on one’s point of view. My scorecard shows MiGs 1 Predators 0 - a shutout.