This One is For Doc Lor

Twins, one raised in Korea the other in the US, with the same personalities but vastly different IQs.


Vox Day described it as “post-Christian US decreases your IQ.” It seems to be pretty much an accurate statement.


What made the findings remarkable was that previous studies%3B%20adoptive%20parent%2Dchild%20pairs) on monozygotic twins (twins raised apart) have resulted in an average IQ difference of seven points or less.

Need standard deviation to know if this one example is meaningful.


There is much intellectual dishonesty here.

The US kid apparently went into a KR orphanage at 2, and then went to the US at 2 and a half where she had to start all over learning things.

Then we have this:

Whether this discrepancy was caused by the twins’ different upbringings is hard to say, although the researchers note that the sister raised in the US had suffered three previous concussions, which may have influenced her cognitive capacities.

Add in that the US twin was educated in a crappy US school system…

Finally, the dog that’s not barking is what the actual IQ measurements are.


Vox mentioned that it was likely that the US twin may have been traumatically abused early in life as a factor of the different IQ marks.


Also, I didn’t read past the fist couple of sentences before I posted because I immediately thought of Doc.


“The sisters were born in Seoul in 1974, but were separated from each other at the age of 2 after one of them got lost at a market. Despite the efforts of her parents to look for her at the time, the missing daughter was eventually adopted by an American couple. … In the study, the twin who grew up in Korea described living in a loving and harmonious household, while the one who lived in the U.S. shared an upbringing with regular conflict and the eventual divorce of her adoptive parents.”

Is this serious? The loving & harmonious parents in Korea could not rouse themselves to look effectively for their missing 2 year old daughter who wandered off at a public market? And the efficient Korean authorities could not find the infant’s local Korean parents, but could find adoptive parents in the US for the “lost” child?

It sounds like there is a lot more to this story than Yahoo wants to report. A novel with that plot line would be rejected out of hand by publishers on the basis of its extreme implausibility. One should be very cautious about drawing any wider conclusions from this probably unique set of improbable circumstances.


Bingo. I thought the same thing. Who loses a kid that hasn’t been kidnapped?


Seems like I should have read past the first paragraph. If it’s flimsy in the background either by error or omission, then the other conclusions can’t be trustworthy. Maybe the author really wanted to write about the IQ part instead of the personalized aspect of the story?