Twitter, Elon Musk, and 𝕏


Looks like the argument centers around a test of significance (likely misapplied):

According to Dr. Mark Killingsworth, a professor in the Department of Economics at Rutgers University,2 a chi square statistical analysis reveals that this distribution in layoffs by sex is 7.3491 standard deviations away from a normal distribution. In other words, the odds that this disparity between women and men being laid off is due only to chance is .00000000000001 (or, put another way, 9.977 out of 100 trillion).

Do judges ever pay attention to such things? Even if each side puts up an army of statistical experts?


Let’s face it – not many people really understand statistics. But maybe judges might understand logic.

When old Woke Twitter was in its hiring phase, did it disproportionately hire females (or those who claimed to be female)? I have not seen any figures, but we can all guess that it is indeed highly likely there was over-representation of the distaff side in Far-Leftie Twitter’s hiring numbers. If so, is it then quite likely that there would also have to be over-representation of the distaff side in the firing phase?


The calculation of deviation from a normal distribution assumes that the sex distribution among the population laid off was equal. But from the well-known dynamic of how Social Justice Warriors seek a beachhead in “human resources“ and then use it to infiltrate organisations (see Vox Day’s SJWs Always Lie for details), it is highly probable there was a disproportionate representation of females in the “safety” ranks at Twitter which were cleared out by the Musk fire hose. This will skew the ratio of lay-offs from what you’d get from a purely random selection.

Engineers are overwhelmingly male. When you’re flensing the carcass of a company hæmmoraging money by shedding the non-productive overhead while preserving the core product development team, that is almost certain to lay off more women than men.


In fairness, they are trying to make a case that significant bias was shown in “engineering-related roles”:

  1. According to the spreadsheet, prior to the layoffs of November 4, 2022, Twitter employed approximately 1,003 female and 2,150 male employees in engineering-related roles in the United States. Of those employees, approximately 630 females and 1,037 males were notified that day they were being laid off. Thus, 63% of females in engineering-related roles were laid off on November 4, 2022, while 48% of male employees in engineering-related were laid off.

Hmm, I wonder why “engineering-related roles” instead of “engineering roles”?


Exactly. My understanding is that companies started calling certain roles technical roles to meet diversity requirements. Can’t get enough woman engineers? Make up a job, hire a gal, and call it a developer.

I am not sure this is the case at Twitter, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


What? 50% more males were laid off than females? This is blatant discrimination against males!

Anyone can play with numbers. Caveat emptor.



I have linked this tweet to a Threadreader unroll of this series of tweets. These are quotes from the Twitter whistleblower, Pieter “Mudge” Zatko, who was hired as a “Security Lead” on 2020-11-16 and fired by Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal on 2022-01-19. Here is the complete (but redacted) disclosure [PDF, 84 pages] filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and Department of Justice.

In the Twitter thread, Halaby highlights some of the egregious “worst practices” observed at Twitter during the whistleblower’s tenure. For example:


Mike Solana has published an analysis, “The Fifth Estate”, of the Twitter Files released so far, what they did and did not reveal, and what these disclosures mean for the relationships among government, tech companies, and individuals.

The Fifth Estate is a fundamentally different kind of power. It’s more difficult to consolidate than media, and more difficult to control than even our government divided by design. Its impact is also far more difficult to predict. This is because technology is above all things defined in terms of newness, which not only makes it disruptive of pre-existing power, but destructive of itself — a sort of anti-power that only guarantees change. The true failsafe. Our ultimate reset. Tremendously empowering of tyranny in times of stagnation, technology is also our most powerful weapon against tyranny in times of innovation.


In terms of Twitter, Elon is already leveraging Fifth Estate properties, and not by employing current tools to amplify his own opinions (an emerging conspiracy). He is iterating product more rapidly than we’ve seen from any major, consumer-facing tech company in years. The trial and error here has largely been ridiculed by people who have never built a technology company. But while detractors are obsessed with his censorship abilities, Elon’s platform experiments are the things actually capable of root-changing the national discourse. The medium is the message, and the medium is evolving. Whatever works on Twitter will be cloned. The bounds of acceptable discourse will change, and none of this will have anything to do with Elon’s spicy tweets.

Elon Musk recommends this article.



An attacker has announced, in a post at on 2022-12-13, a “Twitter Data Breach +400 million users”. Odd formatting is in the original.

I’m selling data of +400 million unique twitter users that was scraped via a vulnerability, this data is completely private
And it includes emails and phone numbers of celebrities, politicians, companies, normal users, and a lot of OG and special usernames.

You can read full use use case of data here:
Twitter or Elon Musk if you are reading this you are already risking a GDPR fine over 5.4m breach imaging the fine of 400m users breach source
Your best option to avoid paying $276 million USD in GDPR breach fines like facebook did (due to 533m users being scraped) is to buy this data exclusively,
Which can go through the official owner middle man on here @pompompurin or admin @Baphomet after that I will delete this thread and will not sell this data again.
And data will not be sold to anyone else which will prevent a lot of celebrities and politicians from Phishing, Crypto scams, Sim swapping, Doxxing and other things that will make your users
Lose trust in you as a company and thus stunt the current growth and hype that you are having also just imagine famous content creators and influencers getting hacked on twitter that will for sure Make them ghost the platform and ruin your dream of twitter video sharing platform for content creators, also since you Made the mistake of changing twitter policy that got an immense backlash

The post goes on to provide an excerpt from the purported database showing information for several “celebrities”, many of whom I have never heard of.

“Cybercrime intelligence company” Hudson Rock assesses this as coming from a “credible threat actor”, while demonstrating they cannot spell “users’”.



Article written by “Mary Papenfuss”. Somehow, that name seems quite appropriate.

Perhaps the article could have been titled: “Even after Musk fires an army of Leftist layabouts, the remaining Twits don’t know how to clean up after themselves – maybe because they are all Ivy League graduates”.


Many dogs not barking:


If someone is unable to engage on Twitter for whatever reason is there an option to turn it off?

1 Like

Oh no. Shiver. What will I do? I am no longer protected from trolls. Maybe I will have to dust off my +3 war ax or build myself a safe space room before entering the twit zone.



The Twitter algorithm code may be examined or downloaded from GitHub - twitter/the-algorithm: Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm. The code appears to be written in a mix of Python, Scala, and Java.


Apparently everyone and his/her dog who should know better is positing junk issues.


By the nineteen-thirties, the fantasy of technological supremacy had found its fullest expression in the Technocracy movement, which, during the Depression, vied with socialism and fascism as an alternative to capitalism and liberal democracy. “Technocracy, briefly stated, is the application of science to the social order,” a pamphlet called “Technocracy in Plain Terms” explained in 1939. Technocrats proposed the abolition of all existing economic and political arrangements—governments and banks, for instance—and their replacement by engineers, who would rule by numbers. “Money cannot be used, and its function of purchasing must be replaced by a scientific unit of measurement,” the pamphlet elaborated, assuring doubters that nearly everyone “would probably come to like living under a Technate.” Under the Technate, humans would no longer need names; they would have numbers. (One Technocrat called himself 1x1809x56.) They dressed in gray suits and drove gray cars. If this sounds familiar—tech bros and their gray hoodies and silver Teslas, cryptocurrency and the abolition of currency—it should. As a political movement, Technocracy fell out of favor in the nineteen-forties, but its logic stuck around. Elon Musk’s grandfather was a leader of the Technocracy movement in Canada; he was arrested for being a member, and then, soon after South Africa announced its new policy of apartheid, he moved to Pretoria, where Elon Musk was born, in 1971. One of Musk’s children is named X Æ A-12. Welcome to the Technate.