US Reindustrialization and Immigration

This is the kind of “reasoning” that’s going to get the mesopredators killed.

I’ve offered you guys at least three ways out of your situation:

  1. Replace the 16th Amendment with a single tax on liquidation value of net assets to fund the replacement of the welfare state with a citizen’s dividend.

Don’t like that social theory? Have a better one? OK, then we fall back to:

  1. Hume’s Guillotine to award monetary prizes for an objective criterion – the Algorithmic Information Criterion – for macrosocial causal model selection, incrementally improving our understanding of what is causing the genocide of humanity (over the objection of the social pseudosciences).

Too high brow? Non-starter?

  1. Replace the 13th and 14th Amendments with sorting proponents of social theories into governments that test them so as to avert a rhyme with the Thirty Years War for freedom from central imposition of social theories so that people can actually consent to the social theory under which their children are going to live.

Too radical? Can’t get there from here?

You’re dead.