US Reindustrialization and Immigration

They won’t disagree if my 1992 proposal is adopted so as to return to something resembling the foundation of civil society where those interests are aligned.

And here’s the fundamental problem:

The “elites” once they’ve managed to centralize positve network externalities of civilization in the public and private sectors by shifting the tax base off of property rights and onto activity and by intermediating the distribution of tax revenue through the “elites” have already destroyed the foundation of civil society in the flesh blood and bone of the men that defend civil society.

They’ll deny this to their deaths – which are assured.

Perfect example of an elite posing as a populist.

“Skin in the game” my ass.


This quote :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: deserves a fan post.

But maybe you’d agree with the Starship Troopers civilian vs citizen message nonetheless?


There might be another component in play … see, for instance, this essay by Steve Yegge who argues that generative AI chatbots are getting sufficiently competent to replace many if not most of the responsibilities of a junior developers.


Trying once again to respond to this after my prior response to it disappeared:

I have “Grumbles From The Grave” on my bedstand because, after recently (last few years) discovering Heinlein’s early period was close enough to my religious values to get me to read most of his early period to discover what made him tick back then, I discovered something changed him as reflected in “Strange In a Strange Land”.

I still haven’t figured out what happened to him.


Yes. She was, at first, very reluctant to use them for obvious reasons. But the reality is that the tax base cultivates the sclerosis besetting the mesopredator “elites” that leads them to implicitly believe “more lines of code is better”. The exact opposite is the case:

But, because our tax base is on economic activity rather than property rights, we have moronic mesopredator “elites” that destroy not just the total fertility rates of the men who will end up killing them, but they hire hoards of Indian programmers – turning over both the information infrastructure and the political system to a culture that is capable only of taking over the West from Jews, just as did Jews take over from the Anglo elite that had succumbed to addiction to centralizing the positive network externalities of civilization. It always ends the same: Make everything more complicated until it starts failing catastrophically whether in the legal system or in the electronic system of the information infrastructure.

“There is nothing you can possess that I cannot take away…” as Spielberg projected.

So bottom line here is that the moronic mesopredators are, once again, blowing it by failing to recognize that young mathematicians tend to be more productive than older mathematicians (similarly to physicists) because the young mind is more capable of lossless compression.

The large language models are inherently incapable of doing this as a part of their “inference” stage which answers queries.

We’ll clean this up in a manner far more draconian and destructive than is necessary if Trump fails to do so – which he almost certainly will as King of the Mesopredators.


Apex Predator


Dear Apex Predator,

Why can’t we all be friends ?


Ref: The World3 Model: Classic World Simulation | Insight Maker


Nothing like a model to get an old engineer near sexual arousal. The more variables to tweak the better. If only that nagging twitch in my mind would leave me alone. The twitch that speaks about how models rarely work and this one has already been proven wrong. But, but if we tweak the variables we can get the new output to match the actual result it got wrong. With enough variables any curve can be fit.

Maybe it can be translated to a video game and be useful.


Oh, are you referring to making a game out of the World3 model – perhaps one that incorporates nonterrestrial resources?

Been there…

Done that…

Of course, as you rightly point out, with enough “parameters” one can model any amount of historic data to any degree of precision – generalization be damned. Hmmmm… this might relate to some ideas I’ve had about Occam’s Razor being necessary to macrosocial Foundation Models – just spitballing there. Far fetched – I know – but, hey, as long as we’re going around literally standing behind protestant church pulpits telling the single largest demographic of individualistic genes in the history of the world to sterilize themselves, eat, drink, be merry and die – because “limits to growth and other stuff like yer all evil” – maybe we ought to consider some less radical ideas. You know … like O’Neill colonies or something.


I am sure it is just climate change. What we need is more cow bell!