What Does The Florida Sewage Story Mean?

That seems to be the case. I try to base my worldview on the facts, at least as far as I can uncover them. Intellectually, I am from the “Show Me” state. I severely discount the main stream media panic-mongering. And I try to maintain an open mind. To paraphrase Keynes, when additional information becomes available which is contrary to my current assessment, I will change that assessment. What more can any of us do?


I am somewhat at odds with my BMD on this topic. But last night I surrendered. He is on the staff of our local hospital and at the staff meeting the chief of medicine announced, his voice cracking, that they are overwhelmed with COVID patients. And nearly all are unvaccinated; only one breakthrough case. I don’t doubt this: in our Appalachian community, the canny denizens don’t argue about it. They’ll say they’re vaccinated just to forestall any discussion. .(Not that I’d lecture them.).
And he said every time a nurse quits or call in sick, they lose 5 beds. That’s another problem: no nurses. That’s part of the “overwhelming-ness”.
I don’t think what we have are vaccines, as we’ve always understood the term: they’re pre-prophylactics. You don’t get AS sick.
I don’t understand what I’m hearing, like about the most highly vaccinated places (Gibraltar, Israel) having a surge in cases.
But I don’t have an MD like my husband does, so…okay if he says the vaccines are doing some good, I have to accept that.
And now I have this occurrence in my own microcosm.
I just can’t see past, nor through, this thicket.

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News this am is that omicron is 73% of new cases, so even faster than I thought. And unfortunately, it seems to be making people, particularly the unvaccinated, just as sick as delta.

It is well known that the black death changed the average genetics of the survivors. To whatever extent gullibility is based on genes, the population will be slightly less gullible in future generations.

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Less gullible? I hope so.
I hope they’ll recognize an enemy bio-attack when they see one.
I hope they won’t be so dumb as to reject a president who had done nothing but good for our country .
I hope they won’t be so blind as to refuse to recognize the blatant vote tampering in states where the result would’ve changed the electoral l college results.
I hope they won’t be so totally gormless as to don useless masks and give up their livelihoods for months based on governmental fiat.
I hope they will refuse to believe and teach a spurious historical narrative about our nation.
If the Sinos’ Infection were to yield that result, at least some good would’ve come of it.
A slim hope.


That would be good. The question is the mechanism by which we get there.

It is not likely to be by the elimination of those with doubts about the so-called “vaccines”, since facts show that the people whose deaths are officially ascribed to Covid are overwhelmingly older and past child-bearing age. The number of young fertile human beings dying of/with Covid is negligible. Those people who are suspicious of Operation Fear will still breed. And their propaganda-resistant genes will get passed on.

On the other hand, we have no data on the longer-term effects of the so-called “vaccines”. Effects can take a long time to show up – think DES. There had apparently been some earlier animal experimentation with mRNA-type injectants which suggest there could be future problems, such as reduced ability of females to bear children. In that case, there definitely would be Darwinian pressure against the gullible.

Recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced with relish that 1 (one!) person had died in the UK with/of Omicron – details deliberately not forthcoming. And this is in a country where about 2,000 people die every day. Who is gullible?



No evidence I know of.

The rest of your beliefs are just as unfounded, but the interesting thing is why people believe such memes.

Turns out that our psychological traits from the stone age are responsible. The human race has a very long history of recurrent resource crises. When this happened, it turned up the gain on the circulation of xenophobic memes, eventually synching up the warriors for a do-or-die attack on neighbors. A model of how well genes do for war or no war in such situations shows strong selection.

I can post the model if anyone is interested.

It goes a long way toward understanding current and historical events.

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Natural selection, plain old evolution.

I can’t prove it, but I know of considerable evidence that people are born gullible and are stuck with it for life. I.e., genes. One of the more impressive examples is scientologists. As a group, they are subject to just about every scam and MLM thing that comes along.

It is interesting that the current differential difference in death rates will probably change a few very close elections.

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I know some people here consider covid-19 a scam. However, that’s a extreme minority opinion among researchers. Here is some of the latest.

Keith, don’t misrepresent other people’s views. Yes, there is a disease called Covid-19 which has resulted in some shortening of lives for a small part of the population, mainly among the very old and the already unhealthy.

The scam is that … OMG! It is an Epidemic!!! And we are all going to DIE! – unless we subject ourselves to experimental treatments (not tested vaccines), pointless posturing such as wearing masks, and damaging Lock Downs.

The Lock Downs are causing significant medical harm through delayed treatment for non-Covid ailments and substantial social, educational, employment, and economic harm – harm that will have ramifications for all of us for years to come. And who benefits from this? – apart from the Chinese Communist Party? Yes, that is a scam.


I don’t consider it a scam. I consider it a bio attack. Res ipsa loquitur.

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There were 4000 flights canceled today because the flight crews were sick. For certain this causes lots of economic damage. What would you do? Have them fly sick?

Hypatia, Covid19 originated in China. If it had been weaponized don’t you think they would have done a better job? Natural selection has made the latest version something like 100 times as infections.

Gavin & Hyp ,

You are both right.

It was a bio weapon ala Wuhan , with complicity by elements of the “Great Reset” and our own gov complicit in it.

The scam part is where all the " Great Reset " countries made it a “pandimic” as horrible as the Black Plague. Then used it to advance the “Great Reset” by crippling our economies and advancing tyranny . Also used to get rid of the trouble maker Orange Man Bad.


There are some 70,000 to 106,000 flights PER DAY. Cancellation of 4,000 isn’t all that many. ?How many were “blue flu”.


What do you mean “a better job”? They did an extraordinary job! They crippled the entire world. They made some effort to try to curtail it within China, by forbidding intranational flights outta Wuhan while allowing international flights. But they don’t really care: As for “they wouldnta killed their own people”, that is to laugh. How many Chinks did Mao kill, 8 million?
As for ol’China Joe in DC: I think there’s a Chinese op ensconced in the White House right now, calmly admitting: oh yes, we did it on purpose. And we’ve got another plague ready to go if you don’t do everything I say.


I was going to debate you on this at the time, but because Ferguson made another claim that was highly likely to be off by an order of magnitude, I decided to wait. He predicted the UK would suffer 4000 deaths per day due to Ominicron. The data in South Africa (limited vaccinations by the way) showed what the South African scientists indicated. What other real world data did he have? There is no excuse for being this far off and not explaining that up front.

The below is from Dr John Campbell who actually shows the research and the data and is well worth watching on a regular basis. This is the Dutch modelers information. Their best case is off by a factor of two. Even the Australian government finally took the modelers to task and simply ignored them.

You also have made statements about hospitals being overloaded and lack of ventilators for cancer treatments. So I will leave you with this:

The below is from the Minnesota site for COVID 19. Do you notice anything that would cause you to maybe ask questions? Besides the repeatable weekly spike downs that happen on Mondays.

Since it may be hard to read the graph here is some data from Dec 7:

Non-ICU COVID 1323
Non-ICU Non-COVID 5562
Total: 6885
Percent COVID 23.7%

Total: 1194
Percent COVID 28.3%

ICU = 25% Hospitalizations

On 7/8 there was very little covid:

Non-ICU Non-COVID 6583
Total: 6662
Percent Covid 1.18%

Total: 1018
Percent COVID: 2.35%
ICU = 30% Hospitalizations

High COVID to Low COVID NON-ICU: 103.3%

On average (not shown in this data) Minnesota has roughly 53,000 people supposedly hospitalized due to COVID and 10,200 that needed ICU care.

If you normally have 994 ICU beds being used when there is no COVID and you get 338 covid patients you should have 1332 patients but you have 1194. The difference is 138. There is a likelihood that you only have 200 patients due to COVID and 138 that are not due to COVID. 40% with COVID not due to COVID.

If you normally have 6662 hospitalizations and you get 1323 COVID patients, you should have 7985 patients, but you only have 6885. You probably only have 223 due to COVID. 16.8% due to COVID 83% with COVID.

Minnesota has had a total of 52,953 people classified as hospitalized and 10,216 that have needed ICU with COVID. ICU = 20% of hospitalizations.

The available data isn’t good enough and I don’t have time to do a perfect analysis anyway, but some things are obvious:

  1. The Minnesota hospitals were never overwhelmed by COVID. Regardless of what the news said every day. Maybe a hospital was overwhelmed.
  2. When the community prevalence is 30%, then about 30% of your admissions would likely have COVID.
  3. The fact that this was raised as an issue and the US never tracked it is just another reason Fauci should be fired. The UK has been tracking this and it was running at 50% for months. It is a reason that many people believe there was intentional fear mongering.
  4. The fact that the US doesn’t seem to know how to do statistical sampling is another reason people believe there is intentional fear mongering. Only bozos think you have to test every sample to understand prevalence. If you are not a bozo and you don’t implement a statistical sampling plan, then you have different motives.
  5. If 40 to 50% of the hospitalizations were with COVID, then there is no possible way that the deaths from COVID can be counted correctly. This assumption is beyond ridiculous.

You may not understand fear mongering, but that is on you.