You Know You're Living in a Backwater..

Tragically, the answer to that question has been sabotaged by John Tooby and his wife Leda Cosmides as they tried to overcome the even worse sabotage inflicted by Lewontin and Gould – which was in service of Franz Boas – all of which was an attempt to stuff Darwin toothpaste back in the tube so that people couldn’t behave as adults with regard to civilization’s consequences on the genepool hence human nature. The basic strategy of all that sabotage of science was to convince young women that their most important function in life – determining which genes make into the next generation – was irrelevant. Why? Becauase they wanted to fuck the farmer’s daughters. That’s why. That’s all it boils down to in the final analysis.

I got to watch this up close and personal during the boomer erocide.

But, OK, having prepared you for the horror of what I’m about to say:

There is this term that Tooby and Cosmides popularized:

“The Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness” aka “EEA”

But, see, here’s the problem with with the “EEA” as they set forth:

It de facto denied human biodiversity.

That, in combination with the “let’s all freak out about Hitler until the biosphere is toast” religion of Holocaustianity makes me into a wannabe-Hitler Nordic-Supremacist to point out there may be something genetic about the following:

Individualism-Collectivism and Group Creativity

So what’s up with all those interesting ecological correlations there Tooby???

I’ll tell you what that Nordic-Supremacist Bowery says :


Up to the advent of MacDonald’s thesis in “Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition”, the primary driver of the most valuable characteristic of humanity was the coevolution with wolves that permitted individual heads of households to re-emerge for the first time since the chimpanzee human last common ancestor submerged it in gang warfare. Indeed, MacDonald’s thesis is fatally flawed by failing to recognize that the Yamnaya’s comitatus gangs (ie: “Aryans” aka “IndoEuropeans”) were the start of the decline of the culture of individual integrity back into the gangster swamp from which the northern hunter gatherers had been escaping for over 10,000 years.

Agriculture came along and almost wiped out the Western Hunter Gatherers (mainly y-haplogroup I). The Yamnaya permitted a reemergence of WHG individuality primarily because, in stark contrast to what Andreessen has been led to believe by Curtis Yarvin et al, hence the entire Trump Pirate Ship, the Yamnaya (as KMac describes) were a market-based gangster enterprise wherein individuals could and did vote with their feet rather than being held captive by their warlords. So there was still a great deal of respect for individuality that I’ve tried to reflect in as an alternative to another 30 Years War escape slavery.

This might appear to be “too much information” but it is essential to understand just how valuable AND FRAGILE the Nation of Settlers is to the world, since, in a recent conversation here it has emerged that Hypatia declares “individualism is the problem”. This is the same argument I have with white nationalists and even to some extent KMac regarding the attitude toward individuality.

But there is one final nail in the coffin to anyone hoping to argue for castrating young men on behalf of “civilization”:

E. O. Wilson, arguing against interest, set forth before he died a radical new theory of the evolution of eusociality:

It triggers when reproductively mature offspring fail to leave the nest and instead start contributing to their mothers’ fertility. From that point, it is all downhill into The Hive.

Don’t let civilization do that to our young. SACRIFICE ANY INSTITUTIONS THAT YOU MUST TO AVOID THAT.

I’ve addressed this in a number of ways, the most obvious one being as the foundation for civil society.

What militia money does is privatize government by turning the positive network externalities of civilization over to the young men – rather than letting them be trickled down through the banking system and government, and/or simply piling up in the coffers of monopolies like the network effect monopolies that are so attractive to the most virulent aspects of humanity.