Boy Scouts Announce Critical Race Theory Merit Badge

From The Federalist, 2021-11-05, “Boy Scouts Announce New Critical Race Theory Requirement”:

At the very beginning of this month, the national organization announced a new merit badge entitled “Citizenship in Society,” that will become a required merit badge for those pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout in July 2022. Citizenship in The World, Citizenship in The Nation, and Citizenship in The Community are already required merit badges, each of which I quite enjoyed. So what’s Citizenship in Society?

According to the announcement, the merit badge, which was “developed by BSA’s Office of Diversity and Youth Development Office” will “encourage Scouts to explore important topics around diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Enter the official Merit Badge Counselor Guide. While the content that’s openly advertised to children remains rather tame, the content for the adults who’ll be guiding Scouts through the process reveals the radicalism of the ideologies of those who worked to make this a requirement for prospective Eagle Scouts.

One such resource is the “All My Relations” podcast, which focuses on the Native American experience and features episodes titled “Decolonizing Sex,” “Celebrate Indigenous Peoples, Not Columbus,” and “Indigiqueer.” Flag folding is so last year. What we really need are Eagle Scouts who understand the Native American LGBT sexual experience!

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The Borg strikes another blow to BSA.

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The BSA were finished a long time ago. This is just the icing on the LGBTQIA cake.

What they really need is to pare that down to LGB, which stands for Let’s Go Brandon, of course. The could also have a critical race theory merit badge, which would require scouts to learn about the biological differences among the races in measures such as IQ and the Big Five personality traits and the consequences on criminality and other antisocial behaviors. A critical gender theory badge would have scouts learn about the differences between females and males.

I would be happy to compile a reading list to get this going. Do you think the BSA would be interested?


When I was a lad, boy scouts spent a lot of time thinking about the differences between females and males. Indeed, scout masters led the boys on forced marches to get us too tired to think about the differences between females and males. :slightly_smiling_face:


Be prepared!

If you’re looking for adventure of a new and different kind
And you come across a Girl Scout who is similarly inclined
Don’t be nervous, don’t be flustered, don’t be scared.
Be prepared!

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Kicking little old white ladies across the street….?

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