It’s early days, but watching the new Speaker on Hannity last night, I found myself fantasizing about Bygone and Hapless somehow…disappearing, and leaving him President for the next year. From what I’ve heard so far, it would be glorious. No that’s too strong. It could be …um,as Carter would’ve said, “adequate”.
But here’s what I wanna ask you, polymaths: have you noticed that it’s perfectly okay to own to being a Catholic, but it’s NOT okay to profess yourself a Christian?
My Catholic friends believe there is a lot of discrimination against Catholics, but I think they’re living in the distant past, before JFK’s ascension. As a dyed-in-the -wool Prot, I know it used to exist, but not for a long time now. It was OK for Kerry, it’s ok for Pelosi, OK for Bygone, to proclaim that they are Catholic. They’re even kinda admired for it.
But this morning I can’t read anything about Johnson without encountering a mention that he is [gasp!] a self-proclaimed “Christian”.
To me it seems almost like people assume you “can’t help” being a Catholic. It’s like being a Jew in that way, and it’s fine to say you are Jewish as long as you don’t support Israel. (In fact, it’s great in the Left’s view: such quisling Jews “prove” support of Israel MUST be misguided: even the JEWS don’t support it!)
In fact, the more I think about it, the more I conclude that it’s ok to say you’re Catholic precisely BECAUSE, (just as with proclaiming you’re racially Jewish) the Catholic church doesn’t really stand for anything any more.
……but then, neither do any of the American Protestant sects, as far as I can tell. Id be skeert of Johnson myself if he proclaimed he was Presbyterian! Or, for that matter, Lutheran or Methodist, until he made clear to which side of the schisms in those bodies he adheres. I mean, saying you’re Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, doesn’t even necessarily mean, any more, that you believe in the divinity of Jesus! And surely, THAT is the sine qua non of being Christian.
So, if you ONLY say you’re “Christian” that’s threatening to the Left, because it means you have at least ONE unshakable, non-negotiable, anti-cultural relativism belief?
Am I right, dear polymaths?