COVID-19 and Common Sense with Dr Jay Bhattacharya

Dr Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University has both an MD degree and Ph.D. in economics from Stanford. He is an author of the Great Barrington Declaration, advocating a “focused protection” strategy against COVID-19 instead of widespread lockdowns, school closures, and coercive mandates.


Viewing this should be MANDATORY for evertone with more than rwo functioning pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex. Clarity, honesty, balance, transparency - the opposite of the “public health” establishment - represenred by Fauci. He is far worse than I previously thought.


I was deeply impressed with Dr. Bhattacharya, who comes across as highly informed and highly reasonable. His comment that the Precautionary Principle applies with equal force to the Lock Downs as to the virus was highly perceptive. The virus does damage, and so do the Lock Downs. Interesting that there are no official estimates of the costs & damages due to the Lock Downs.

Unfortunately, interviewer Peter Robinson talked too much and missed following up on some key issues – such as the unusual nature of the Covid “vaccines” and the absence of information on their long-term effects. Let’s hope there are no serious long-term consequences – and if thankfully there are not, it will be by the grace of God, not through the competence of Fauci.


One would also think that the same cautionary principle could have been applied with equal force to early treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Both drugs had some evidence of effectiveness fo Covid early on and each had a long and broad safety profile, especially at the modest doses recommended. To statists, principles are only applied when it suits their aims.


Call me cynical, but if there were a public perception that there was an effective treatment to mitigate the (exaggerated) risk from this disease, then there wouldn’t have been support for or at least tolerance of the unprecedented seizure of power and curtailment of individual liberty which, it is now clear, represented a ratchet which will never return to the status quo ante.

Have you heard of “Event 201”? That’s the “high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.” The quoted text comes directly to their Web site, to which I linked in the previous sentence, not some whacko-bird conspiracy den. Event 201 was sponsored by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (Schwab/Davos), and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Quoting again, “The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

I’m reminded of that line from “Alice’s Restaurant” in which the littering massacree allowed the cops to use up pall that fancy cop equipment that had just been sitting around. The pandemic response plans and using a public health emergency to abridge liberty were already sitting on the shelf, and anything that reduced the fear factor among the public, even if it saved lives, would have impeded the implementation of those plans.


Seems exactly right to me. The timing of “Event 201” is eerie! Just a few months before the first Wuhan cases.