damned xfinity / comcast

Dammed xfinity / comcast
they will not send a check they will send a prepaid visa card.
They said I should have got an email telling of options.
never got it, not in spam bucket even.
Having to navigate their AI that wants to send a text to a land line
having to deal with that same AI wanting to send a link to my land line
dealing with their AI saying thanks for your service and not reducing my bill
dealing with foreigners who are hard to understand and finally with some gay guy saying that there is no other way except the prepaid visa card.

God I am so happy I wonā€™t have to deal with them again.


I am old enough to remember when all the best people decided to poo-hoo the dirty manufacturing of real goods done by US workers (who happened also to be US consumers). Instead, we were going to send all that nasty blue-collar stuff overseas where Planet Earth would not notice the CO2 production and by-product waste. Rather, we were going to have a white collar (really, exploited pink collar) Service economy. Yes! Thatā€™s the ticket! A clean Service economy with no unions, lots of imports, and no nasty emissions on US soil.

But we donā€™t seem to be able to do a good job of a true ā€œServiceā€ economy either. Those of us who are older can remember the days when Service was merely annoying, not positively evil.


Iā€™m still waiting for my ā€œrefundā€ of $139.23 even though I paid for a month in advance of $137.24 on the second on January so they would not ding my credit report. And Comcast / Xfinity was disconnected on December 27th.


they will probably send you a prepaid debit card

edit: I re-read your first message, apologies


I lack the emotional energy to recount the episodes. Suffice it to say Verizon FIOS reps are serial liars. All the large corps think we exist for their benefit, that they may mulct us as they wish. (I used to be pro business, until the greed ran amok).




they will probably send you a prepaid debit card

edit: I re-read your first message, apologies

I called again last week, they said that a card would come this week.
Today is Thursday, Iā€™ll call tomorrow if it does not come today.
I donā€™t expect anything today as Iā€™m subscribed to Informed Delivery with USPS.
The only thing expected today via USPS is an Amazon shipment of a Utility Lighter.

( Itā€™s easier to light candles in jars with these.)

Iā€™ll follow up with info when I call them again.


Follow up, today after speaking with one person that English is a second language and being transferred to another person that has Spanish and a second language and soon they could not hear me, I hung up.

I called a second time and pretended to be a ā€œnew customerā€ wanting new service.

The man was in the U.S.A. actually Miami Florida !!!

He was patient, as was I, and he took the information and texted another in the comcast / xfinity system and they told him that a prepaid credit card was issued on the 14th and is being mailed to my P.O. Box in Taylor PA.
He even had the last four numbers on the card.

Is this the end of the saga?


Pretend to be a new customer, I will try this with Spectrum

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Closing the topicā€¦
The card came in on Monday. With the card was an instruction sheet of sorts that said that one could transfer it to oneā€™s checking or bank account. I tried the online thing, but it failed because the email address on the file was the comcast one and I do not have access to that.
I called the ā€œhelpā€ number and wow, a very nice and patient girl / woman helped me through it step by step.
ā€œWeā€ transferred it to my checking account and today it showed up in my checking account.
So, I believe, this self made saga is closed.

Thank you for your patience.


I found this recently on Reddit

Enter your address to see what is available


It is laughable. My area, it says, has 100% coverage. Within about a mile of my house, there is minimal voice coverage and zero data. North of Pittsburgh, itā€™s hilly. Valleys have lousy coverage. My house, even though it is on relatively high elevation, has a hill directly in the line-of-sight path to the nearest cell tower. I investigate this carefully, hoping to try T-Mobile 5G internet for home. I get, at best and only occasionally 2 bars LTE; never 5G at home. Even my local supermarket, about 2 miles away, has no data and no voice. It is very inconvenient to not be able to call home while grocery shopping (you know what I mean). I asked the small, local Kuhnā€™s Market about their guest WiFi, which doesnā€™t work. They didnā€™t care. Iā€™ve spoken about Verizon FIOS awfulness previously. Though the service is good, they keep upping the price.


My area says 100% as well.

The hill thing also plays a part with me, I had to use my WIFI to get good phone access at home.

We have Verizon, which sucks, if you want DSL that does not work half the time. ( typically 1 to 2 meg )

Then With T-mobile I get 3 bars, definitely not 5-G.

Comcast / Xfinity, the prices kept going up and the download was lower than what I was paying for and the upload was shrinking.

Now with ā€œEmpire Accessā€ā€¦

Iā€™m a happy camper now.


Congrats :champagne:

Is starlink available in your area?

I know Victor Davis Hanson relies on Starlink because he lives in a rural community, Selma, CA


Iā€™m tempted to sign up despite the higher cost, just so I can dump Verizon FIOS. Though the FIOS service is good quality and reliable, they seem to think they can raise the price at will. In addition, they are unscrupulous. I asked an agent on live chat to drop my speed to lower my bill. She quoted a price of $79.95/month, but she ā€˜couldnā€™t do itā€ - I had to go to my online account & do it myself.

Guess what she didnā€™t tell me: I had to also subscribe to the VOIP phone service (I already have) for another $20/month. Obviously, the refusal to implement the speed change live was to allow the human to lie to my face, then discover the lie where I could not complain. The total cost of reducing my speed in half was a plan that costs the same as I pay now for gigabit! What slimy reptiles run corporate America. Methinks they take their cues from the deep state.

My respect and support for Musk may well lead me to eat the equipment cost and pay the same monthly rate to him I pay FIOS - for lower (but likely adequate) bandwidth.


So Civil West Man,
You have Verizon FIOS, what speed did they give you? ( https://www.speedtest.net ) and if I may ask, how much are you paying them?

The furthest Verizon did in my city was DSL but only if one has a standard land line.

Iā€™m paying about $55 / month for my 1 GB service with phone for the first year.
( I was thinking that later on Iā€™ll get a different VOIP provider. )


I get 940 up and down, for which I pay $106/month with their VOIP phone. The phone is required. You canā€™t buy just internet from them and itā€™s $20/month.


Which WiFi router do you use?
I have to get a new one


Synology 6600ax. Really excellent. I bought it because it allows me to segment my network so that my IoT devices are, in effect, on a separate network from my cameras on a separate network from my most secure devices. If properly implemented, none of these devices can corrupt or spy on my secure laptop/iPad/iPhone. It is more expensive than most, but IMO, well worth it. I also have a Synology NAS for onsite backup and subscribe to their cloud backup as well. Great company - Taiwan.