Dammed xfinity / comcast
they will not send a check they will send a prepaid visa card.
They said I should have got an email telling of options.
never got it, not in spam bucket even.
Having to navigate their AI that wants to send a text to a land line
having to deal with that same AI wanting to send a link to my land line
dealing with their AI saying thanks for your service and not reducing my bill
dealing with foreigners who are hard to understand and finally with some gay guy saying that there is no other way except the prepaid visa card.
God I am so happy I won’t have to deal with them again.
I am old enough to remember when all the best people decided to poo-hoo the dirty manufacturing of real goods done by US workers (who happened also to be US consumers). Instead, we were going to send all that nasty blue-collar stuff overseas where Planet Earth would not notice the CO2 production and by-product waste. Rather, we were going to have a white collar (really, exploited pink collar) Service economy. Yes! That’s the ticket! A clean Service economy with no unions, lots of imports, and no nasty emissions on US soil.
But we don’t seem to be able to do a good job of a true “Service” economy either. Those of us who are older can remember the days when Service was merely annoying, not positively evil.