Genocide* hides behind such sophomoric tropes. Another is that “Choice of Turing machine renders the Algorithmic Information Criterion for macrosocial model selection arbitrary hence no criterion at all.” We can blame Popper, Kuhn, Jonathan Haidt, Yan LeCun, Judea Pearl (I could go on) for contributing to the genocide of heritable economically valuable characteristics such as individualism.
Bottom line: No one in power wants to stop this because to do so would disrupt the culture – aka artificial selection regime – in which they were found by “nature” to be “fitter than thou”. This applies especially to “philanthropists” who ride their ill gotten wealth to social status without doing anything about the artificial selection regime that causes them to achieve high social status.
Worse, no one wants to know what the causal structure of this genocide is because self-deception is key to their feeling of social status.
It’s one thing to lie to others. It’s quite another to lie even to one’s self while in power.
*And don’t give me any shit about “genocide” requiring “deliberation”. Self-deception is an act that, while one might argue is not “deliberate” is nevertheless something for which one must be held accountable. I would argue that the bromide “Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupdity.” is another genocidal meme when the statement “Never attribute to mere stupidity that which can be attributed to unenlightened self-interest.” is more appropriate.
If you can’t take the heat, get out of the hot seat of power.