Development log: 2022-02-15

2022 February 15

Made a mirror backup to Juno.

Made a backup AMI:
    Scanalyst Backup 2022-02-15  ami-00c37bcaae741f04a
        /           snap-0f18b714aeb6f31f4
        /server     snap-044cdbf421acc9105
We have only been up for 18 days and have just 10 package
awaiting update, so I decided to skip the update and reboot
on this go-round.

On the Discourse Upgrade manager page:
I upgraded:
    docker_manager      (This upgrade must be run first:
                        the other upgrade buttons are
                        disabled until it has been updated.)
I could not proceed further with update until rebuilding the
Docker image.

Stopped Discourse.
    cd ~/discourse/image
    ./launcher stop app
Rebuilt image.
    cd ~/discourse/image
    git pull
    ./launcher rebuild app

This updates everything pending update.  There is no need to go
back to the update page and update manually.  The application
is automatically restarted.

The Admin page now reports we're running on 2.9.0.beta2.

Verified that spoilers are working after being updated.