Development Log: 2023-07-29

2023 July 29

Made a mirror backup to Juno.

Made a backup AMI:
    Scanalyst Backup 2023-07-29 ami-0c6de154b3fa588a4
        /           snap-0c4da5c5abd09ff05
        /server     snap-0b50188a73e897a6d

The system had been up for 16 days.

Installed 35 update packages, 35 for security including a new kernel.
    yum update

Stopped Discourse.
    cd ~/discourse/image
    ./launcher stop app

As recommended, set:
    chmod o-rwx containers/app.yml


The system came up promptly after the reboot.  We are now running on
kernel 4.14.320-242.534.amzn2.x86_64.

On the Discourse Upgrade manager page:

I upgraded:
    docker_manager      (This upgrade must be run first:
                        the other upgrade buttons are
                        disabled until it has been updated.)
The upgrade page, running in Chromium, hung displaying the
progress in this update.  I finally gave up, reloaded the page,
and it reported docker-manager updated successfully.

With docker_manager updated, I now proceeded to update:
    discourse-chatbot   (Chromium hang during update.  Reloaded page.)

The Admin page now reports we're running on 3.1.0.beta7.

Enabled the new site setting:
    Settings/Users/Allow anonymous users to like posts
Note that this applies only to anonymous users with log-ins, not
visitors who are not logged in.

Verified that spoilers and MathJax are working after being updated.

Verified that Shalmaneser (discourse-chatbot) is working after being