Development Log 2023-10-26

2023 October 26

Made a mirror backup to Juno.

Made a backup AMI:
    Scanalyst Backup 2023-09-26 ami-02fc66d86e718da32
        /           snap-0c298002492e1b086
        /server     snap-0e1a479d7e9f51ed6

The system had been up for 10 days.

Applied all updates.

    dnf check-release-update
    dnf check-update --releasever=2023.2.20231018

    dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.2.20231018

This installed 25 updates, including a new kernel and docker.

The system had been up for 3 days.

    cd ~/discourse/image
    ./launcher stop app
    shutdown -r now

The system came up promptly after the reboot.  We are now running on
kernel 6.1.56-82.125.amzn2023.x86_64.

According to "dnf check-release-update" we are now up to date.
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