Interesting – localization would do some good, but it does not directly address the underlying problem.
By definition, a long-term stable society is one in which the average woman bears 2.1 children and ensures that those children are brought up to be productive citizens. Women in the West are falling far short of that essential goal.
History has shown child-rearing is best accomplished in stable male/female marriages. Biology also shows it is better for women to have children when they are 20, not when they are 40-year old mid-career women conscious of their loudly-ticking biological clocks.
The root of the problem is that too many women swallowed the false doctrine of modern feminism, which demeaned motherhood – the essential role which only women can play.
We need a different kind of feminism – one in which women are encouraged to marry and have children when they are in their biological prime, and then enter the workforce later when their children are older. We also need a feminism which does not support incompetents in high positions simply because they are female.
It’s easy to lose sight of the 10,000 year picture given the enormous sexual disruptions that have occurred in just our lifetimes.
Think of Lot’s Wife and the demand that Lot permit the men of Sodom to “know” the angels of God.
It is always like this.
Erik the Red killed a man, most likely under the Old Law of Einvigi (likely the origin of “Inveigh”) and was exiled. He established the Greenland colony during the warm spell and his WIFE built the “Christian” church there – with his TOLERANCE.
Ultimately, women* are all for what David Brin calls “the little, gracious things” even if it means castrating Elon Musk’s sons, or yours, or mine or anyone’s sons. If Men get in the way … burn down LA and… LET’S GO SHOPPING!
* Women in their deadly embrace with powerful men who outlaw mutual hunt in nature as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing so as to found “civilization” (ie: exile Erik the Red) and then turn that prohabition against the young men who are struggling to form families because, well, the powerful men in the CITIES want de facto harems. Oh, and they really like castrated “men” around to change the diapers of their corporate concubines impregnated during serial “monogamy”.
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I’ve found this interview interesting to better understand the folks that @jabowery has in mind for the militia proposals:
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It breaks my heart to see this young man who could have been from my little town or, if I were younger, could have been me, killing young Russian men, not for whatever they’re using as rationalization like “democracy”, but so that urbane slime can capture the young women and consume the civilization built by the ancestors of those young men.
…or gives him so small a space. We’ve got loads of space in this country; ownership of it shouldn’t be taxed. Real property taxation contributes to people feeling they can’t “afford” children. Or maybe not even marriage.
Of course the other factor contributing to high housing costs is that people want, or now, need, to live near where they work.
I was just thinking about this when I opened the site. Even before Covid, it looked like the trend was toward everybody working remotely. We heard that there was a huge glut of available office space. Even near Wall Street, office buildings were being converted to residences. We heard that businesses had realized they didn’t need to pay rent i4 building maintenance.
Then COVID, and everybody was forced to work remotely.
But now, we hear that businesses wanna bring the people back in.
Obvs, businesses now feel workers aren’t as productive if remote.
But: did they find that out before Covid, or only during the lockdowns?
Okay, housing prices have gone up even in rural areas, but still you could get a bigger home for less in areas farther from cities, and you probably would, if you could work from there.
Do you dear polymaths agree with my summation of recent trends above, and why do you think the trend toward remote working reversed itself?
The idea of County Currency or Militia Money is to transfer property tax revenue from large property owners to the young men forming families. The young men can be taxed on their property just like the rest of the population but they are retained to defend property rights. In the case of County Currency, I was attempting to get more deputy reserves as a first step toward a more resilient human ecology.
The net effect of these proposals is that family formation has no NET tax burden on homesteads and, when scaled up to the totality of the monetary system, it privatizes government completely. But the Maoists posing as “libertarians” don’t want this. They want to eat the seed corn so that there is a communist uprising to kill the large property owners.
But aren’t you taking agency away from him? He knows what you don’t, you know what he doesn’t. Maybe both of you are right? Maybe family formation is what democracy needs in the next generation.
It depends on how much weight one wants to put on Machiavellian motives. One view of the CovidScam is that China wanted to get some data on how the import-dependent US economy would react to a significant supply chain interruption – the better to prepare for their future bloodless WWIII in which China cripples the US by cutting off the imports on which we depend.
To get even more Machiavellian, perhaps some US business leaders took advantage of the unwarranted CovidScam panic to test out the “Work From Home” hypothesis – because if Work From Home is truly effective, then “Work From Bangalore” would be equally effective and much, much cheaper.
In the event – as many people would have predicted – work from home is less efficient, except for a few rather specialized functions where an individual can deliver useful work alone. Most office functions require quite a lot of cooperative effort which is much less effective over Zoom. Looking on the bright side, this probably saves massive numbers of US pink- and white-collar workers from finding that they have been replaced by cheaper workers in India.
Work From Home was always only a middle-class phenomenon. Real productive workers – in factories, farms, construction, etc – could never work from home. And it seems likely that companies found out their office workers are not as honest today as they would have been in an earlier generation – just as stores which jumped on the Self Check Out bandwagon are learning. Lots of stories of WFH denizens holding down two “full time” jobs at different employers, and other WFH people delivering almost nothing.
Another predictable side of the WFH experiment is that it was in a real sense eating a business’s seed-corn. In genuinely productive office-type environments, there is a lot of mentoring of less-experienced staff, where they learn by “sitting next to Harry”. That development of junior personnel is essential to a company’s longer-term future, and is seriously compromised by WFH.
Work From Home is a small niche, not a broadly-applicable solution – as predicted. It will of course continue – as that small niche for certain occupations.
His agency was removed from him which is why he has to go to Ukraine to as a mercenary rather than stay home and…
He can’t face what has been done to his agency because it is so traumatic. Listen not only to what he says (at one point placing little value on his very life) but also the pain.
He’s been castrated and he can’t face it. Can you?
If we can get young men to go to war, we can get people to want children. In place of giving a 5,000 child tax credit, the government should provide funding to celebrate (propagandize) having children.
This actually ties in with @jabowery ideas for improving rural communities because if we can get people to move to rural areas you can more effectively give woman the recognition they deserve for having a child. A big publicly funded party for the new mother with say a lottery to have some famous star to show up or whatever.
Instead of forgiving student loans, we should prioritize what our society needs. Mothers maybe should get direct payments equal to individual median income once they have three children.
Think bigger! The way Russia is going, the West will face a “baby gap”.
Russia wants a baby boom, but some women resist becoming a mother for the motherland | CBC News
“In 2022, Putin reinstated a Soviet-era honour award called Mother Heroine, which recognizes and honours women with 10 or more children.”
A sustainable society needs babies – but only if those babies grow up to become productive citizens. It is a good idea to have the State pay women who choose to become mothers … but only married women who are in a stable family relationship with the father.
Incidentally, that is about the opposite of what many Western countries do today, where the mother of an illegitimate child gets significant benefits provided she does not marry the father. Just who thought up that idea?
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Class action lawsuit for women defrauded by academia into thinking they were getting an education instead of having their brains destroyed and on top of that being turned into sex slaves in urban areas to make enough money to pay the student loans that can’t be escaped even bankruptcy thereby sacrificing their fertile years. Each woman should be due back not only everything that they paid but also should be awarded damages for their lost children. Since the average woman wants two to thee children if she could afford them and most of these women will have none it seems appropriate to estimate the damages on that basis.
Since these organizations were actively targeting fertility they should be libel for triple damages. In many cases there should be executions.
That should pretty well wrap it up for academia.