Future of nuclear power in Russia

Fascinating (albeit long) article about an educational event in Moscow.

Patrushev, Likhachev, Zakharova, and Others at the Knowledge Marathon (substack.com)

Among the topics was the nuclear energy industry, where the group was addressed by Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev. A few snippets – with the usual translation oddities:

".… According to the President’s instructions, the share of nuclear generation should be increased to 25% in the next decade. Therefore, Rosatom plans to build [by] 2035 new power units in Siberia and the Far East by 17, as well as to increase electricity generation in the Urals. …

"We are the only country in the world with a modern small reactor plant. There are plans to build several more such stations. In Tomsk, we are building a fast neutron reactor that will allow one plant to ensure multiple recycling of nuclear fuel, that is, the uranium reserves already mined will be enough for millennia, and this is a different economy, ecology and level of safety. …

… the most important wealth of Rosatom is the people who make scientific discoveries and create unique installations that make his heart sing. To increase human capital, the State Corporation actively works with veterans and the younger generation, creates conditions for the professional growth of young employees, invests in the development of nuclear cities, creating high-quality living conditions for employees and their families. …