This has been a long time b*tch over the political renaming of a short expressway and a downtown street by the demon-crats who are in power in my hometown.
It finally made national news after the release of those involved in a cash for kids operation in Luzerne County by our soon to be x-president. Some of these kids were sent to prison for things as simple as jaywalking! Some committed suicide. Yet Biden pardoned those involved.
Many said just rename the single street where he hailed from, not something major like a downtown street and an expressway.
I remember signing two petitions to change the name back. Those got nowhere with the demon-crats in power.
If anyone has a in with those soon to be in power, ( Trumpsters ), please tell of the plight of those here that want our names of South Scranton Expressway and Spruce St. to be returned.
A local news station story about the mother of one who committed suicide due to the kids for cash scandal. She wants to see the legacy of President Biden removed from the expressway into his hometown of Scranton.
(Personally I am ashamed to admit I was born in the same hospital as the soon to be x-president.)
Further reason for change of the disgusting name of the street and expressway in Scranton.
The release of a corrupt judge by Biden.
This is a tell all clip, it is darn well worth viewing for the FULL story.
The cash part of “kits for cash” is to the tune of $2,800,000
There are a LOT of videos about “kids for cash”, a lot of evidence against damn Biden’s name to be glorified. If anything, (my personal opinion), they ought to rename the sewage treatment center for Scranton to the Biden cesspool.
I’m sorry, IMHO, this is the worst president we’ve ever had.