Since Apple announced their intention to scan every photo on iCloud for ‘child pornography’ (who could object to that?; surely, such things comprise a precisely-defined category) and report ‘bad people’ to the state (not that I have anything other than cat and grandchildren pix), I have wanted to quit using iCloud for my pix and documents (did they ever implement this after the push-back died down?). It is unimaginable they would not also scan Pages documents for ‘wrongthink’ and unofficially report those to some ‘non-existent’ federal agency or otherwise, somehow, magically de-platform and un-bank offenders. You know, like Russia.
I have taken some initial steps in the privacy direction like switching my email to a paid subscription to Protonmail, using a VPN and Brave Browser and Brave search engine. But leaving Apple in possession of my documents seems to me a very bad idea. Having only limited silico-technical abilities, I am wondering if I can create my own local ‘cloud’ - a storage drive on my own network, onto which I could export all my current iCloud materials; then delete them from iCloud, stop sending any future stuff to iCloud, and save all future materials only to my own local drive.
To the scanalyst cognoscenti: is this doable for one with limited tech skills? Would it require a professional consultant to set it up? Also, assuming it can be done, is it also worth doing, or do the tech bad guys who currently run the entire world, already have work-arounds in place, so that resistance is, indeed, futile? I am thinking such an approach as I propose threatens the business model of the tech giants, relying, as it does, on their hierarchical control of the internet and most all its data silos. I long to escape those who say the words “don’t BE evil”, but go right ahead and DO evil round the clock at near light speeds. I would appreciate any thoughts or advice.