IBM Bringing Quantum Computing to the Cloud

Dr. Dario Gil of IBM Research (30:00), “We have a summer internship program…and we take about 60 students for the quantum program. Last two years, we received 15,000 applications.”

Here is the GtHub repository for OpenQASM, the quantum computing programming language mentioned in the video. The OpenQASM 3.x Live Specification is online. The following QASM code prepares a number of entangled Bell pairs and uses them to teleport a qubit.

 * Prepare a parameterized number of Bell pairs
 * and teleport a qubit using them.
include "";

const int[32] n_pairs = 10;  // number of teleportations to do

def bellprep(qubit[2] q) {
  reset q;
  h q[0];
  cx q[0], q[1];

def xprepare(qubit q) {
  reset q;
  h q;

qubit input_qubit;
bit output_qubit;
qubit[2*n_pairs] q;

rz(pi / 4) input_qubit;

let io = input_qubit;
for uint i in [0: n_pairs - 1] {
  let bp = q[{2*i, 2*i + 1}];
  bit[2] pf;
  bellprep bp;
  cx io, bp[0];
  h io;
  pf[0] = measure io;
  pf[1] = measure bp[0];
  if (pf[0]==1) z bp[1];
  if (pf[1]==1) x bp[1];
  let io = bp[1];

h io;
output_qubit = measure io;  // should get zero

Gideon Samid is working to ensure viable Cryptology in the face of Quantum capabilities. His tactic is simple: flood the “keyspace” with Randomness. (BitFlip is the algorithm).