Terminology-wise, you may be hanging too many (fully functional) toes off the front of the surfboard while riding the cultural wave circling the toilet bowl. “Transable” may not risen far enough to the top of public discourse to have shown up as a candidate for a coming current thing, but the under original, more medical, and rather judgemental term “body integrity disorder” or “body identity dysphoria” there are abundant references to the phenomenon. For example:
- “Body integrity dysphoria” (Wikipedia)
- “Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)–is the amputation of healthy limbs ethically justified?”, American Journal of Bioethics, 2009
- International Classification of Diseases, edition 11, 2018 (ICD-11), 6C21, “Body integrity dysphoria”
We haven’t yet gotten to the point where the Transable Liberation Front are marching (or hobbling, or rolling their wheelchairs) to demand insurance cover elective amputation, doctors and hospitals be mandated to provide this “derangement-affirming medical care”, or the addition of their own stripe on the Pride Flag but…patience…it’s in the queue.
Now, as a Flaming Libertarian™, my inclination is toward total self-ownership and individual autonomy, which implies that if an adult in full possession of their mental faculties and free of compulsion wishes to alter their body in any way, pay for the medical procedures involved, and be responsible for the consequences of them (for example, no applying for disability benefits because you had your leg sawed off), then they should be able to, just as Professor Crazy-Eyes Nose-Rings can have holes punched in her schnozz in order to look like Unga-Bunga the cave woman. But where the tiny minority of “afflicted” nutballs cross the line into pure evil is where they promote their disorder, demand others respect their “pride”, and attempt to recruit others into their cult of derangement and destroy their lives, particularly the young who are incapable or deliberately untrained in critical thinking and vulnerable to peer pressure and mass hysteria. Looking at it from an evolutionary standpoint, since many of the people with these disorders do not reproduce naturally, the only way the mind virus (the proper word is “meme”, but that has been corrupted to mean something else entirely) can propagate is by recruiting the healthy. This is what is at the root of the battle over the introduction of literature promoting sexual perversity in elementary school libraries and curricula.