This recent interview of Jason Jorjani purportedly reveals some deep cover middle east intrigue involving a possible deal between Iran’s moderates and Israel in which he was an intermediary with Mossad contacts. You be the judge of his credibility. There are a few technical “gotchas” I found – but those might be excused as him speaking beyond his claimed competence: applied philosophy targeting a rather unique take on transhumanist Messianic eshatology with roots in Cyrus’s approach to empire. Perhaps it is my own biases showing but the idea of a “cosmpolitanism” featuring not pluralism but rather sorting ethnies into territories (Jews being only one of several) is reminiscent of what I call “Sorting proponents of social theories* into governments that test them.”
Beyond that, Jorjani’s voluminous corpus (several books, most prominently “Prometheus and Atlas”) might be called “esoteric Aryanism” with a particular hostility toward “Nordic Aliens”. His last book, which he recommends at the end of the interview, purportedly ties all this together in a coherent philosophy. I’ve skimmed that book, and am now going over it again more carefully – which is why this is not a book review. I’ll just say you’d better hold onto your hat toward the end when he makes his call to action.
* Jorjani likes to use the word “paradigms” along the lines of Kuhn – and advocates a kind of meta-paradigmatic philosophy. I’ll just say that in my mind this is reminiscent of making a judgement call as to when one applies different theoretic languages to describe the particular phenomena of interest. And that, in turn, unifies at the foundational level of what it means to think of a “dynamic bit” of information – an example of which is an algorithmic bit.