The December 1900 Christmas edition of The Ladies’ Home Journal ran an article, “What might happen in the next hundred years” [PDF] by John Elfreth Watkins, Jr. The predictions are interesting to re-read from a perspective of 121 years later. Here are the paragraph headings.
- Five Hundred Million People
- The American will be Taller by from one to two inches
- There will be No C, X, or Q in our every-day alphabet
- Hot and Cold Air from Spigots
- No Mosquitoes nor Flies
- Ready-Cooked Meals will be Bought from establishments similar to our bakeries of to-day
- No Foods will be Exposed
- Coal will Not be Used for Heating or Cooking
- There will be No Street Cars in Our Large Cities
- Photographs will be Telegraphed from any distance
- Trains One Hundred and Fifty Miles an Hour
- Automobiles will be Cheaper than Horses are to-day
- Everybody will Walk Ten Miles
- To England in Two Days
- There will be Air-Ships
- Aerial War-Ships and Forts on Wheels
- There will be no Wild Animals except in menageries
- Man will See Around the World
- Telephones Around the World
- Grand Opera will be Telephoned to private homes
- How Children will be Taught
- Store Purchases by Tube
- Vegetables Grown by Electricity
- Oranges will Grow in Philadelphia
- Strawberries Large as Apples
- Peas as Large as Beets
- Black, Blue and Green Roses
- Few Drugs will be Swallowed
As Yogi Berra said, “It’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future” but, in all, not a bad job.