Lies From The Pulpit: My Letter to the National Cathedral

Perhaps the Rev. Budde ought to run for President. She does not represent me and neither does the Episcopal Church into which I was baptized many years ago before it became a political and therapeutic - rather than a spiritual - institution. Although we are surely not visible from your perspective, so elevated as it is, there are millions of Americans, Christian and otherwise, who practice kindness and love toward those you reduce to mere victimhood. You dare to chastise President Trump, who is like them, solely because we do not agree with the “revealed wisdom” of your arrogant and manipulative politics.

I await your condemnation of those nations which actually kill homosexuals. Your inappropriate charge - from the pulpit - imploring the elected President, is untrue. The fact is that homosexual Americans need not fear for their lives. To the extent they do, it is because of cynical political manipulation like yours from the pulpit and the “media”. Implore the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, instead.

As to transsexuals I, like most other Americans, am uninterested in whom adults love, how they dress, what roles in life they wish to play, what hormones they ingest or what cosmetic surgery (and that is all that it is - cosmetic - in fact) they undergo. When it comes to children, however, the truth is that there is no valid scientific evidence for the fervent rush to mutilate the bodies of minors for so-called gender dysphoria. These unfortunate individuals are being used in furtherance of blatant and cynical political agendas - by “benefactors” like you. Kindness would actually require they be helped with their multiple psychiatric issues. The vast majority, in all likelihood, are confused about their homosexuality and need only benevolent therapy until they mature, not chemical castration or genital mutilation as minors. When they have achieved maturity - when their brains are fully developed - as adults, they may do whatever they like. I bet you agree with the same “experts” who say those under 21 should never face criminal penalties because their brains are not yet fully developed. These are the same “experts” who zealously insist to parents - without evidence - “gender dysphoria” is life-threatening; that 12 year olds have complete capacity to consent to sexual mutilation to form mere simulacra of the opposite sex. Do they know at the outset that they will never function reproductively as a member of the opposite sex? Do they know of the many lifelong complications their simulated opposite-sex organs will present?

BTW, pronouns should be recognized not as kindnesses, but as the political loyalty oaths that they really are; they are merely short, like the attention span of the times, but no less offensive or coercive than loyalty oaths of yesteryear; mere virtue signals. The fact is that normal, kind human beings do not need to be instructed in compelled speech in order to practice their ordinary kindness for every other person on Earth. Your church, your rubrics.

I call “bullshit” from the pulpit. If it’s OK for you to disrespect President Trump, I can feel free to disrespect you from the nave. There you have it. Thus endeth the lesson.


That pastor should be defrocked. Awful sermon and display.


Lies From The Pulpit: My Letter to the National Cathedral

WOW, civilwestman, While some will drive a screw in with a hammer, you did it properly with a Nail Gun.

Kudos Big Guy, Very Well Said .

(just an experiment with the video, it is NOT hosted on Scanalyzer.)


Why bother? The Episcoal church, in which I was raised, is itself lost.


Maybe, though it is unlikely to register, those of us who have left what was once a worthy and mighty institution should remind them why we left. I neglected to remind the good reverend Budde that Jesus spoke to ordinary people, when he said “render unto Caesar”; just who is she to dictate policy to Caesar?


The very fact that this woman was elevated to the priesthood (bishop, no less) is, itself, a sign that the Episcopal Church is lost. She has occupied this position since 2011 and was ordained as a priest in 1989, so it’s not as if the Church suddenly became woke in the last years. It’s a long way down and an even longer road up, if up is in the future altogether for mainline Protestant churches.


This is worse than Barbra Steisand in Yentl (1983):

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