Looking back on COVID authoritarianism

This is a real possibility. It is also possible that China’s rulers were seeking a way to get quantitative data on what the interruption of Chinese exports to the import-dependent West might do – both to the easily-crippled West and to their own productive Chinese economy.

Even if that real world data-gathering was not the primary purpose of the lock-downs, it is a reasonable guess that there are now bunches of smart people in the basement of some Chinese government building analyzing the data that was collected – just as it is a reasonable guess that there is no-one in our DC Swamp regime looking at that data.


As much as some might like to imagine China to be some sort of a demonic centralized octopus outgrowth from Xi’s brain, China is just a country. There are internal debates, people try to build coalitions, advocate for ideas, engage in petty strife, and have limited ability to engage in conspiracies. One should measure countries by their actions and their results.

On the matter of C19, I have followed the internal debates in China, and their chief epidemiologist, who was trying to eradicate, at some point had to give up.


It went both ways:

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The fault is in certain people. There: fixed it for you.

Coincidentally, it is many of the same people who prostrated themselves before the image of a fentanyl-addled thug during the Summer of Love. A likely explanation for these behaviors is to be found in the Longhouse.

There were many who resisted, actively or passively, both of these temptations to conform. There were undoubtedly regional and demographic differences in the prevalence of resistance but it was found everywhere.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
– Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Daniels)

Unfortunately, too many have succumbed.


You do not like me, DrL—
The reason why, I cannot tell!

…but I reckon there are some wounds time does not heal.

I explained myself in connection with that incident back in the Mischief. But you go ahead, Doc, keep the grievance goin’!
Hey, I’ll bet here on Scanalyst, I am the ONLY person you can consider an inferior! Happy to serve, we all have a niche to fill!


Not sure what makes you say that but if it makes you feel better, I’m all for it. Anyhow, why not share your thoughts on the substance of my comment?


If I can figger out what you were getting at, I will. Initially, it loox like you just wanted to feel superior to people you think had knuckled under, while you, alone among the masses, bravely resisted.
The fact is, you specifically mentioned and described that incident I posted about on Ratburger so long ago. Thats why I say “ you do not like me”. I’m so sorry if I ever offended you, “doctor”.

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After having re-read my comment, above, I fail to find any mention of myself. Specifically, I don’t see where I cast myself as uniquely a resister of WuFlu tyranny. It would be interesting to know how you arrived at the conclusion that I, “alone among the masses, resisted.”

But since you brought it up, I did (mostly passively) resist, i.e., I went about my business as usual. My company stayed open and we went into work. I supported local restaurateurs as much as possible. Finally, I participated in some anti-WuFlu protests. I claim no great risk in any of these activities and they probably made little difference. Still, like Havel’s greengrocer, it expresses open defiance to the regime versus the craven submission exhibited by many.

On Independence Day, 2020:


I did not mention any specific incident concerning you or anyone else. Many people prostrated themselves before icons of St. George in many locations around the world.

This may come as a shock but it’s not all about you. There are other people, places, and things in this world that have little or nothing to do with you. Hence, not every reference to an event, or class of events, is about you.

Try reading without employing this self-referential frame. Also, try reading the words as written without an overlay of your prejudices. These measures will reduce confusion, controversy, and misunderstanding.


Good, but should get triple damages.


Punitive = 3x

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Yes. Corporate America violated tens of thousands individual Rights and for doing so should be punished. This was an intentional act in many cases such as denying religious exemptions or medical exemptions.

This laid bare the closely coordinated actions of corporations and the US gov to violate rights.

The tort system really needs to be overhauled so that individuals responsible for corporate decisions be held accountable. This would actually be much more effective at reducing bad behavior. The Lawyers wouldn’t like it.


Piercing the corporate veil

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counter-list of the best athletes of the world who died of C19: Olympedia – Olympians Who Died After Contracting the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I will peruse the list of Olympians

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Definition of ‘healthy’ now means the opposite.


What I noticed was that larger individuals had more serious cases of COVID

Diabetes was a risk factor
Obesity was a co-morbidity