Matt Ridley: “The Covid lab leak theory just got even stronger”

In The Spectator for 2021-11-20, Matt Ridley argues “The Covid lab leak theory just got even stronger”.

As for that missing furin cleavage site, another leaked document revealed in September by Drastic, a confederation of open-source analysts like Demaneuf, sent shock- waves through the scientific community. Dr Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance, spelled out plans to work with his collaborators in Wuhan and elsewhere to artificially insert novel, rare cleavage sites into novel Sars-like coronaviruses collected in the field, so as to better understand the biological function of cleavage sites. His 2018 request for $14.2 million from the Pentagon to do this was turned down amid uneasiness that it was too risky; but the very fact that he was proposing it was alarming.

Most of the funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology comes from the Chinese not the American government, after all; so the failure to win the US grant may not have prevented the work being done. More-over, exactly such an experiment had already been done with a different kind of coronavirus by — guess who? — the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It is almost beyond belief that Dr Daszak had not volunteered this critical information. He played a leading role in trying to dismiss the lab-leak idea as a ‘conspiracy theory’, using his membership of the WHO-China investigation to support the far-fetched theory that the virus reached Wuhan on frozen food.

And with the continuing failure to find any evidence of infected animals for sale in Chinese markets, the astonishing truth remains this: the outbreak happened in a city with the world’s largest research programme on bat-borne corona-viruses, whose scientists had gone to at least two places where these Sars-CoV-2-like viruses live, and brought them back to Wuhan — and to nowhere else.

Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19 by Matt Ridley and Alina Chan is now available.


Since Wuhan/CDC/EcoHealth Alliance caused damage to the world economy, civil action against them is just. How about this starting point to settlement,

  • CCP in China allows Hong Kong to become an independent nation,
  • CDC and Ecohealth are liquidated by the U.S. Congress and CDC is replaced with Board with Leadership from the U.S. private sector (multinational corporations DO NOT QUALIFY).
  • Dr. Peter Daszak and others that are directly responsible for COVID-19 get life in prison.
  • Proceeds from CDC liquidation go to beneficiaries in the U.S. of those lost to COVID-19
  • Liquidation of CCP assets in Hong Kong go to beneficiaries worldwide to those lost to COVID-19

Why stop at Hong Kong? Assess damages worldwide and allow countries to cancel debt held by China proportional to the deaths, health care, and economic damages they have suffered due to COVID-19. This has historical precedent in war reparations, and the damages here may be greater than anything since World War II.


Since we are talking about war and reparations, is it time to entertain the hypothesis that the CovidScam was a deliberate act of economic warfare?

I keep returning to those initial social media photos & videos out of China showing well-dressed working-age males collapsed on the streets – Very, very concerning! And yet those scenes have never been repeated, neither in China nor anywhere else. Why not? Were those original scenes staged? And, if so, why?

We now know that most of the Covid deaths (unfortunate as they were) represented a relatively limited acceleration of end of life in people who were elderly and had pre-existing health problems. We also know that most of the damage to Western societies was caused not by the virus but by the politician-imposed Lock Downs. And we know that while Western economies have been suffering from those self-imposed problems, Chinese manufacturing has been powering ahead – leaving the West even more dependent on imports from China. Is there a pattern in all this?

To get reparations, first it is necessary to win the war. And one cannot win a war unless one first realizes that one is under attack.


Here’s how WHO dragged their feet, and effectively responding too late to the problem:

In particular, this report shows how a few folks within WHO blocked escalation (after the initial trip):


There is no mention of the quarrantine of China military and police positions in September of the previous year. They knew - back then.


Peter Zeihan has some serious issues with his interpretations (too much high level, not enough individual motives), but I think he nails it here.


The fact that the US government (FBI and Dept of Energy) have indicated that it was a lab leak and this has been allowed into the mainstream indicates to me that this is not what happened. So that leaves intentional release. Similar to the Nordstream pipeline, the number one suspect would be Uncle Sam.


I would side with the China-did-it faction. This whole thing is way too subtle for the US to pull off. Nordstream was blow-something-up. We’re good at that.


When Omnicron was identified, it struck me as another engineered virus to overwhelm the more dangerous Delta version. Highly contagious with low lethality out of nowhere. It is possible that someone engineered Omnicron without being the engineer for the original, but my guess is it is the same organization.

If it was the same organization, then the release of Omnicron indicates the original objective had been met. Around November 2021. It was obvious by July of 2021 that the “vaccine” was a bomb to a casual observer with any sort of math skills. This was likely known at the ground level by January 2021, but it takes time to confirm the data and communicate it up the ranks.

What big event was scheduled between Q1 2020 and Q3 2021?

What would be a motive for an intentional release of a virus? I don’t think China has a motive. Their strategy was/is winning. They are not incompetent leaders whom act like fat drunk old men in a bar trying to pick a fight.

The one piece of information that makes me wonder about it coming from China is that it kills fat people. However, any virus or disease probably disproportionately kills the obese.

The best argument against it being from the US is your argument of lack of competence. This alone is a strong case.

Also, one other thing had to happen for operation corona to be successful. The general population had to be lied to in order to scare the shit out of them. The limited and best data available to the public indicated the death rate was much lower than what the experts were saying. The videos of people dropping over dead which was part of the operation to scare people would have had to deceive US intelligence. In other words the US and all Western countries played a long with a virus released from China. Seems unlikely.

It is all speculation and any story can be spun up, but it seems odd that it started during a critical election, had a hoped for vaccine by the election day, found out that the hoped for vaccine sucked and then released an engineered virus solution.


Can’t argue with what you say. But consider this. America is highly technical. All the processes used to bamboozel Americans were, in essence, technical. Fauci & Burke, news clamp-downs, government pressure to “vaccinate” - ALL were technical processes.

Now. I have been looking into ways to help the Serbs take their own territory - Kosovo & Metohija. These are to Serbs as Gettysburg or the Alamo would be to Americans. In this process I have discovered that it seems the last Balkan War was a collaborative process of both Croats AND Serbs to effect a huge theft of national money for themselves. In this there appears to have been active participation of Austrian and German banks, with support of both France & the US CIA.

Taking this analogy onward, it would seem the people who gained the most from this were the Democrats - and China. We already know the Dems look up to “the Chinese system” from the unguarded comments of some of Obama’s picks in government. ?Why, then, is it such a reach to consider China worked in collusion with elements of our nation to make this happen. Remember Kennedy went to Russia to ask for help beating Reagan I think it was.

The lack of scruples in the elites is, at its least, unnerving, and more to the point, downright disgusting. So you make excellent rational points. But we are not dealing with rational people but serious scum-of-the-earth.


Recent 2023 NY State court lawsuit Against EcoHealth:



Earlier 2021 NY State court lawsuit complaint apparently by a self-represented attorney plaintiff:


2023 WDTX case (docs not yet on Court Listener):


I’ve spoken with some of the EcoHealth folks right after Covid hit, and they were genuinely concerned about the well-being of their Wuhan colleagues that vanished. I don’t think they were bad actors.

Of all the theories I’ve come across, the most likely one seems to be that there are military operators in proximity of naive scientists - combined with a bit of sloppiness:


One of the things that surprises me is that there is not major blowback with regard to biological labs. If a bank collapses due to poor management, there is what some would call a hysterical call for improved regulation. Five people were shot in New Zealand and it becomes critical to have tougher gun regulation. Whether you agree with these calls for regulation or not, it seems odd that there isn’t a massive world wide effort to insure millions of people are not killed due to stupidity.

Hysteria is driven by the media and there was no media hysteria about biological research. In fact it was the exact opposite with the media proclaiming it was a conspiracy theory and trying to silence any discussion. This was a hat tip to the virus being lab created and that it is likely that the US was involved in some way. This isn’t proof of anything, but it should raise “spidey senses”. There should be huge concerns about biological labs regardless of whether this specific virus was lab generated and it should have been and should be a major topic. No less than nuclear arms.

US funding of research in China may be used to aid in intelligence gathering that some may think is legitimate. Otherwise someone needs to explain why the US would be funding this research in any country? Do we fund nuclear research in China, Iran, North Korea, etc? When something has the potential to be as devastating, it doesn’t matter to me that there could be very positive outcomes of the research. Fund the research in the US and provide the good results to the rest of the world. I am sure collaboration enhances research results, but an explanation of why this enhancement more than offsets the danger is needed. No hand waving allowed.

We accept hand waving and BS. For Fauci and the rest, the question is did you provide funding to China and is there any gain in function or any other dangerous research being done or likely to be being done in China? They are not magical dollars that are sorted out and spent separately. If I give money to terrorist and say it is only to be used for food, do I get a pass on funding terrorism?

If EcoHealth is a government cut out or it knowingly aided intelligence or military operators, it needs to provide that information so that these agencies are held accountable. I wouldn’t clear a company funding research that thought the research wasn’t dangerous if they should reasonable know that this could assist dangerous research. Reasonably know should be a pretty high standard. With 20/20 hindsight, it is easy to think something should have been reasonably known so maybe I am over simplifying. However, does anyone think it is reasonable to fund AI research in China and not reasonably know there could be devastating consequences?

Funding research or providing technology that is obviously dangerous in foreign lands should be a major concern for private companies. These companies know with certainty that they cannot protect the technology. It will be stolen. Given the technology will be stolen, it doesn’t take much of a brain to answer the next question. When stolen, can it lead to devastating consequences?

I doubt that any company seriously considers this. Fifteen to twenty years ago I was in a meeting with executives. The topic was investing in China. Why would we do this given we know they will steel the technology and we have no recourse? The answer was not a debate on whether the technology could be protected. The answer was if we don’t invest in China, we cannot sell in China and China is a big market. This was not technology with life or death consequences. Only consequences for the corporation 10 to 20 years down the line.

Something needs to change. On the one hand, we have lawsuits that bankrupt companies hurting hundreds of thousands of innocent people that are not based on facts and are just a money grabs decided by people that have no competency to understand the information they are provided. On the other hand, we have highly overpaid executives and government officials that do massive harm and face no consequences. In the case of the government officials they use the incompetent Sergeant Schultz defense of I don’t recall. Maybe make incompetence not an excuse to avoid criminal punishment. It would help solve the incompetency crisis. You might not be so hell bent on being in charge when you realize your incompetence might land you in the poor house or the hoosegow.


If you have media power you can use it for your agenda. Techies gave away the power to the Internet they created. Too bad.

Many of the politically short-sighted problems are a result of shortsightedness (or myopia) that pervades our political operators. has been trying to advocate for a longer-term view, but maybe we need a medium-term realpolitik view.


You inadvertently point out the issue at stake.

The “outcry” is against institutions the state does not control. There is no outcry against state-owned or run institutions because they are already under the “control” umbrella of the state - ?why would they then “object” to things they were doing…


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