The knives are out, first flashing - then, once dipped, dispersing blood spatter - all gleefully reported in forensic style by the democrat media office - aka the MSM. It was all to be expected of course. The nephew of the erstwhile “lion of the senate (sic)”, at one time much beloved and heralded as the American version of royalty, is now reviled as a traitor and worse. The Kennedy clan and various encrustations of operatives and hangers-on, are shocked, scandalized by this “betrayal”. In case you think any actual, recognizable human moral or ethical principles were betrayed, stay tuned… .
By happenstance, my wife and I happened to stream Chappaquiddick on Max last evening. It was supposedly based largely on facts that are known about the incident. Since the matter was “handled” by Kennedy “operatives”, naturally, the known facts remain rather limited and those which are known have likely been thoroughly massaged. There was absolutely zero sexual angle to the wee hours auto jaunt, we were assured. No way! The official line is that he was taking her to the ferry; this is despite the fact she left her purse back at the party house and despite the fact that the last ferry had long since departed. I actually found it very difficult to watch this “docudrama” because it reflected so very poorly on everyone and particularly every institution involved. Senator Kennedy failed to report for -10 hours - the fact there was a woman trapped in his overturned car, submerged in water barely deep enough to cover the tires. The number of blatant lies concocted and repeatedly revised over those 10 hours and the ensuing hours was breathtaking and literally sickening.
This production did make it clear that the absolute last question on anyone’s mind - especially that of the leonine senator - throughout the entire event, was the life or wellbeing of Mary Jo Kopechne. It is exquisitely clear that the illustrious senator was an adult spoiled brat, who had never been held accountable for any of his immoral, dysfunctional and self-destructive behavior. He comes across as a blatant sociopath and, by reflection, we can see images of most of today’s political “leaders”; he just had a larger coterie of more skilled enablers than most of his misbegotten Washington colleagues and his successors.
If only a fraction of what was portrayed was correct (and ensuing history has largely affirmed at least the broad outlines), we have been ruled by malevolent, immoral people who were merely teething back then. The fangs have really been out since Trump became the enemy. This movie reveals (for those who don’t know) that the people and institutions which rule us are irredeemably corrupt. Here, a p.o.s. leaves the scene of a fatal accident, eventually shows up (after a shower and a nap), takes over the sheriff’s office and proceeds to make a series of long distance calls as though he had a perfect right to do so. The “authorities”, at the behest of the operatives, make certain there would be no autopsy!!, and get the coroner to move up the death inquest to suit the senator’s wish to address a national audience in prime time. Of course, the MSM gives the prime time slot to allow this p.o.s. to exonerate himself in a speech written for him (of course) by none other than the vaunted Ted Sorenson.
He begins by saying that his failure to immediately report the accident was “inexcusable” (he was given a suspended 2 month sentence for that, the only crime charged). He then went on to excuse it. No problem with every reporting organ and every legal institution in your back pocket. Afterward, the production replays real contemporaneous interviews with actual voters of the day after they heard his speech on TV. While a few disbelieved Kennedy, the clear majority say they would vote for him anyway; that he was just the “victim” of a “tragedy” - which was exactly what Sorenson’s speech was designed to do! It worked.
I come away from the amplified condemnations of RFK Jr.'s act and precisely accurate words - in light of having seen Chappaquiddick - thoroughly reinforced in my belief that the US as a viable political entity as well as our society as a civil means of living together, are doomed. Those with power to act and to be heard are utterly corrupt and unprincipled. They will do anything to aggrandize themselves, to increase their power. They control all the intermediating institutions, which are also corrupt. So much for leadership and the state. As it was in Chappaquiddick it is for RFK Jr., just the inverse. The state and its “influencers” are lost causes.
Last but not least, the voters themselves - the polity - are willingly uninformed, downright stupid.They accept manipulation, propaganda and lies as a matter of course. That is the definition of non-sustainable governance.The public have been dulled by generations of public schooling and by corrupt universities - for which truth no longer exists. They are mesmerized by mindless (anti-)social media and immersive “entertainments”. It all adds up to societal onanism in pursuit of solitary pleasure. In short, isolation. And that it the antithesis of society.