Milei at Davos

Javier Milei dropped some truth bombs over at Davos. He takes on the Woke mind virus head on: NGOs, universities, media, the EU, the political class as a whole. He unapologetically celebrates the achievements of the West and criticizes the subversion of negative rights in the service of positive rights. He takes on all the multiple heads of the Woke Hydra:

  • radical envirnomentalism
  • radical feminism
  • bloody, murderous abortion agenda
  • LGBT agenda (“Gender ideology is outright child abuse; they are pedophiles”)
  • mass immigration

Some juicy quotes:

These are the beliefs that institutions such as this one (WEF) have been promoting for forty years and no one here can feign innocence. For decades, there has been a worship of a sinister and murderous ideology as if it were a golden calf, moving heaven and earth to impose it on humanity.

In the UK, citizens are being imprisoned for exposing the horrifying crimes committed by Muslim migrants, crimes that the government seeks to conceal.

The bureaucrats in Brussels suspend Romania’s elections simply because they didn’t like the party that had won.

If globally influential institutions, such as this one, wish to turn over a new leaf and participate in good faith in this new paradigm, it will have to take responsibility for the role played in the last decades, acknowledging to society the mea culpa that is being demanded of them.

Make the West great again!

The only critique I’d make of his talk is its focus on economics. However, this is forgivable since Milei is an economist and he was addressing the World Economic Forum.

¡Viva la libertad, carajo!


Please forgive VDH’s pronunication of Milei as Milley… VDH is 71, let’s cut him some slack


YouTube turned off the comments… I wonder why…