Pennsylvania mine tour

About, well actually, two years ago my daughter took her then boyfriend on a tour of a coal mine in our area. I was also invited and took some pictures inside as well as a video of riding down the incline to the mining level.

Granted my rendition is not as fancy as The Brooks Mine at Nay Aug park in Scranton, (seen here: Brooks Mine Nay Aug Park ), and my site has not been moved to a HTTPS site, it will be in the fall, still it’s safe to view.
The link is: The Mine Tour

This mine is far larger that the Brooks Mine as it was once a real working anthracite coal mine in Taylor, just across the border from Scranton Pennsylvania.

My father nearly worked his whole life in the coal mines and suffered from it.
There is a family story that he once told my older brothers that if they took a job in the mines he would break both their legs.

I hope you enjoy the small website.
Also found in the mine…


Blue collar Joe from Scranton!

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I had the unfortunate circumstance of being born in the same hospital he was born at.
They closed that hospital.
It’s now a Haredi Jewish High School and Seminary.
The kids there brag about it as if it was something good.,-75.6550378,126a,35y,237.57h,45t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

You may be getting the picture I don’t like Joe.

I was taught to respect the office of the president, I do, but I can’t hide the disgust of the man in that office. Most in Scranton are “demon-crats” and vote the party without thinking. I was a life long “demon-crat” until a secret email server came to light.

Sorry, I digress, did you check my little page out and watch the video of the descent?


I don’t get a video. I get a few pictures


45 minutes by JP video?

No descent. Visitors walked in but no video of the inside

I saw the toy rat

That’s Lackawanna, right? I’ve done that one day in desperation: we had a French guest, it was pouring rain, he obviously expected to be entertained. “Voudriez-vous voir une mine de charbon?” I ventured. Of course he replied “Avec plaisir!” and down we went.

I recommend Eckley Miners’ Village near Freeland Pa. It’s where the movie The Mollie Maguires was filmed (great movie: Sean Connery and Richard Harris!) Then you can see the Carbon County Courthouse where the sham prosecution of “Black Jack” Kehoe was stsged. And in Girardsville you can have a drink at Hibernia House, which was the Mollies’ meeting place. (We go there every St Patrick’s Day to shake the hand of Black Jack’s great grandson, a local pol.). Then it’s off to Mahanoy City, where there is a monument to Kehoe and his buddies. They hd to put a wall up in front of the sculpture so people couldn’t see it from the street; they say it is too upsetting. The doomed men are standing dressed in business suits, their poses quite casual but they have sacks over their heads. That’s —yeah, what the heck— “de rigeur” at a public hanging, such as theirs was, so the spectators don’t see the awful grimaces of the poor victims.
(Reading this, I think Gerry made a more enticing case for visiting NEPa than I have! Chacun à son goût, as my French friend mighta put it…)

click on image 001
on the page now displayed you should see “Click for Video”
Either the text or small picture will open up a new page with the video.


Roller coaster :roller_coaster:

Very interesting descent under ground


Fascinating. How far below ground level were you when exiting the cart at the end of the video?


I am sorry, I don’t remember what they told as to the distance vertically underground.
But, before that became a tour mine and possibly when it was active, there was a dragline type steam shovel that excavated just about over when the mantrip stopped. That was helping excavate the coal that was closer to the surface, too close to actually mine. That area was used as a landfill with garbage from the city. I would venture to say that the pit was about 150 feet, (45 meters), deep. So the level that the mine tour was at was probably double that.
I just looked it up and they say it is 300 feet, ( 91 meters ), deep.