The mass psychological warfare has damaged our friends, family and colleagues so severely that they may have to be killed in a rhyme with The Thirty Years War for freedom from their religious tyranny. Did I unnecessarily invoke violence in that? No. The situation is absolutely desperate despite Trump’s victory. Trump is, according to Trump, going to increase immigration rates. This means more Democrat voters despite all the wishful thinking about how “quality” immigrants are going to vote with “The New Political Alignment™” that supports meritocracy. All of Trump’s “Pirate Ship” is on board with increasing immigration rates.
This means a rhyme with The Thirty Years War – this time a for freedom from the “quality immigrant” theocracy represented by Trump’s Pirate Ship and its deadly embraced with the Democrat party’s long game.
So we’re in serious trouble, folks… we ALL are in serious trouble, but those of us who are suffering the most severe psychological damage from the long history of elite abuse of those who place their flesh blood and bone between chaos and civilization, the Democrats, are in a place where they might be willing to escape their torment with carefully engineered memes as psychiatric treatment.
Here’s what I have suggested people copy and paste to their psychologically distressed friends, family and colleagues: