Purrassic Park


The fact that I love our two ragdoll kittens so much - as this video makes clear - is surely contingent on the fact that I weigh 10 times as much as they do. I hate to think of the result were the mass reversed.


Yes I read somewhere that if domestic cats were the size of tigers, they would kill and eat their owners—instead of waiting fir them to die of loneliness…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And if they were the size of tigers, I would have to abstain from those (chaste) kisses on the snout. Those are acts of love & as a health professional, I rationalize them by thinking that if I am acquiring some new bugs, they may well improve the character of my microbiome. “From kitty’s lips to my gut”.


I dont care WHAT they say: you never go wrong kissing a dog, a cat, a horse!


I’d think going all in on the feline social ritual would be more likely to preserve your health and good relationship. In essence, invert the techniques cats use to get humans to do their bidding; practice your figure-eight walking, cheek rubbing, eye-smiling, and face licking (I already do this with my cats). Too bad we don’t have tails or expressive ears! I don’t estimate it unlikely that highly social mammals like cats will be susceptible to the same inter-species manipulation as humans.


Thank goodness cats haven’t learned (yet) how to use laser pointers.


Welcome t-3! We will be BFFFD’s (best feline friends for the duration).


Welcome t3. Do we already know you?

Thanks for the welcomes, and nice to meet you all. It’s unlikely that any of you know me, although I use this name elsewhere. I’m a FORTH fan, found my way here through atlast.


The wonders of fourmilab never cease to amaze! I didn’t know FORTH existed. John has a way of getting to the heart of things. Being in my late 70’s, I never learned to program. In fact, having started college in 1962, I’m pretty sure I never heard the word ‘computer’ in the 5 years it took me to get my BA in biology.

Here is ATLAST, my interpretation of FORTH. I originally developed it in 1989–1990 as a candidate for the language that would be used by a “headless” AutoCAD to communicate with a front-end user interface module. This was intended to completely separate the geometry and database engine of AutoCAD from the user interface, allowing development of user interface modules that conformed to the standards of different window systems which, at the time, were proliferating at an alarming rate. That project never came to fruition, as the immediate need to get the product running on OS/2, Microsoft Windows, and SunView took priority over a more general, long-term solution.

I later used ATLAST to build “ClassWar”, which stood for “Class Language Application Support System Within AutoCAD—Really!”. It was a demonstration of the power of AutoCAD Application Development System (ADS), which was introduced in AutoCAD Release 11 (“Let It Be”) in October 1990. ClassWar allowed AutoCAD objects (“entities”) to have FORTH code attached which could react to various events and communicate with other objects. For example, you could create a polygon which, when clicked, increased the number of sides. The system supported all of the attributes of an object oriented programming system (classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism) and was intended to tweak competitor Intergaph which was proclaiming its database to be “object oriented” in order to add another trendy buzzword to their marketing literature. Autodesk gave away ClassWar as an ADS demonstration program but never supported it as a product.

In 2014, I made a native 64 bit version of ATLAST, version 2.0, which eliminated a great deal of the messiness in the original because now integers, floating point numbers, and pointers were all the same length.


How it was made.


Hmmm. I am thinking of what to name the Academy Award equivalent for recognition of excellence (or heights of political correctness, in reality) of cat videos. There seems to be a crying need for it, given the sheer number of videos out there. Let’s see some possibilities: “Cat’s a$$ trophy” (particularly given some postures shown in these vids), of course heads the list. Only weakness it that it may be too obvious. Maybe “Cat-arrh”, “Catenated”. Please feel free to pile on. There are lots of possibilities. We can even devolve to being cat-like in our playfulness with words…


“Catwalk award”


There can be only one name for the relevant Academy Award – The Cat’s Pyjamas.


I think I have the winner: “Cat - A - lyst”