Hi all!
I’m Dave, I wrote a paper on a strategy for forming a planned community for the purpose of carrying a culture forward within a larger polity. My friend Aleks thought the community here might find it interesting and possibly provide some constructive commentary.
I had to break all the hyperlinks b/c of new poster limitations, sorry.
A Call to Techno-Hutteritism (DRAFT)
Let’s take some pages from the past and update them, so we might maintain our cultural integrity, and secure our future
Executive Summary (TL;DR)
An analysis of cultures existing inside larger cultures/polities that have been successful in maintaining their integrity reveals several tactics and strategies:
Mobility - The ability and willingness to move when necessary
Martialness - The ability and willingness to project force
Industry - Organization around a business that provides desirable goods/services, preferably indispensable to the larger surrounding polity
Reinforcement - An explicit mechanism/tradition to reinforce the culture and pass it on
Growth - A method of spreading the culture
This can be done by a variety of methods which we will explore below (end of TL;DR).
Unless you’ve been living amongst a yet-undiscovered Amazonian tribe (or perhaps a high-tech spacefaring breakaway civilization), you’ve noticed that the culture of The West has been degrading under an assault from without (and within) for the last 150 or so years. This has had a predictably disastrous effect on our people, to the extent that it has become an existential crisis. If we fail to recognize this, and take steps to preserve it, we and our descendents will surely perish.
This actually presents a huge problem. How do you manage to keep your culture intact when you exist within a majority population that is at best ambivalent… And at worst openly antagonistic to your kith and kin? What can we do while anti-civilizational spiteful mutants - puppeted by a hostile foreign elite, wield the organs of the state and the institutions of banking, media, education, etc. to attack us? What can we do as America and its satrapies [slouch towards a post-state era]( www.anarchonomicon. com/p/after-the-state-the-coming-of-neo)?
Having lived through a tsunami of this pernicious nonsense of the past fifty years, I have been inspired to find a solution to the problem of shepherding a culture through the cycles of history. In the course of this I have examined cultures(1) that have survived for generations (even many centuries) despite being minorities in a larger polity. I believe I have hit on a solution. First, let’s look at some examples of people who, despite being surrounded by a larger dominant culture, have managed to maintain their unique identity.
One of my personal favorites are the [Zomia]( anarchyinaction. org/index.php?title=Zomia). A Southeast Asian mountain people, they have adopted the practice of living where the lowlanders prefer not to. When they are encroached upon by the peoples and/or the states that surround them (they exist in an area which overlaps ten countries), they simply retreat farther into the mountains to avoid them. Their existence would be charitably called “rustic”, but they are willing to trade this in order to maintain autonomy. The key takeaway here is that the Zomia’s successfully apply tactical mobility
The Chechens are another example of a persistent minority people. A rebellious subset of the “Vainakh” people, they are surrounded by the much larger Russia, which they have rebelled against since, wel, [always]( www.waynakh. com/eng/chechnya/history/). Only recently, and after a protracted and extraordinarily bloody conflict, did they achieve a detente with Russia, which awarded them their own republic. This appears to be maintained by their agreement with Russia, that when called upon, they will fight for them, and it appears they are enthusiastic to do so, [but only most of them]( www.gisreportsonline. com/r/chechens-ukraine-war/). Chechens, it appears, are so feisty they’ll take up opposite sides of a conflict just to do some more fighting’. The key takeaway here is that the Chechens are exceedingly martial.
Another group we can examine are the peoples of the [Amana Colonies]( infogalactic. com/info/Amana_Colonies). A German Protestant people who were so radically pious that not only the German government but the Lutherans persecuted them. For eighty years(2), they managed to maintain almost complete autarky, passing on skills from generation to generation, and eventually formed the [Amana Corporation]( infogalactic. com/info/Amana_Colonies) (makers of refrigeration units, and more famously, the Amana Radar Range microwave oven). The key takeaways here are that the Amana Colony members were technically oriented and industrious, and that they used a corporate structure.
This brings us to the Hutterites, to whose name I’ve affixed “Techno” as a term for this proposal (mainly because it has that cool Germanic ring to it, and has the benefit of not showing up in search engines … yet). The [Hutterites]( infogalactic. com/info/Hutterite) are a radical Anabaptist sect, similar to the Amish and the Mennonites, but have adopted (perhaps evolved) traditions which are effective. The strategy that stands out for me is their tradition of [splitting their communities]( infogalactic. com/info/Hutterite#Daughter_colonies%20once) when they exceed something around Dunbar’s Number(3). This has the benefit of keeping the community small enough to be naturally cohesive. The key takeaway here is they have a mechanism to spread their culture, and still maintain it.
At this point you’re saying “That’s all very well and good Dave, but when are you going to get to how to save our families and culture?” Fear not, I’ve constructed the frame, allow me to paint the picture… Imagine a group of people frustrated by the state of affairs to the point where they take matters into their own hands. How would they go about constructing a community that can weather the sturm and drang of the greater masses of humanity, and continue to thrive, grow, and flourish?
They might well decide to purchase some hundreds of acres of undeveloped land in a semi-remote, relatively uninhabited area of say, the United States, for the purpose of a planned community. They would then organize around a central industry (something the Hutterites do), say perhaps drone manufacturing, [nutraceutical production]( omve. com/process-plants/), or even [small-scale rapid-development semiconductor fabrication]( atomicsemi. com/). You could engage in construction via 3D printing ([they’re printing entire villages this way in Russia]( amt-print. com/more-info/news-articles/whole-villages-are-being-printed-in-russia/)).This would also naturally allow you to expand your “company town” at will, and you could even make it beautiful using a secondary industry [that carves stone using 5-axis milling machines]( www.monumentallabs. co/) (thanks to substack. com/@kingpilled Kingpilled for the link).
They would also want to incorporate a secondary industry that supports that industry (e.g. computer controlled machining and/or additive manufacturing), to help insure against obsolescence.
The strategy here is to create a business that provides an essential product or service to the larger political entity that the community resides in. Much like the Chechens (who provide a cadre of young, aggressive, courageous fighters when required by Mother Russia), if you are at least useful to the larger polity, then you’ll be mostly left to your own affairs. If you could make yourself indispensable, you could achieve a level of autonomy many only dream of. This also prevents another risk, state and local government intrusion. If they decide to become too extractive, you can appeal to the stronger authority to keep them off your back.
“But what if the central US gov’t collapses to the extent they can’t keep local and state governments off your back, Dave?! What do we doooo then?” Glad you asked…
This hypothetical “company town” can take a page from the Zomia and organize their industry to leave on a moment’s notice. The business can plan to pack everything up and fit it into shipping containers, that might never leave their wheeled axles, ready for quick retreat to another tract of land, already purchased and ready to receive the colony, whether it’s from a “midnight move” or just having grown too large to be manageable. [You might even keep as much of the equipment in the containers as possible, just to speed up the process]( www.youtube. com/watch?v=oJZQYEkGpCw).
If the state or local government is aware that the community has the means to easily pack up and leave to a more favorable location, you might well find them acting in your interest to remain, as the income generated and spent into the larger community would quickly become essential to their standard of living. (4)
Why would you want to “calve off” a second community? There’s several reasons: One is to maintain it to a size where there’s organic cohesiveness, avoiding the natural tribal conflict that arises once communities grow too large. I imagine this could be many multiples of Dunbar’s Number (which can observably be exceeded with technology, e.g. an address book you keep notes on people in (e.g. John the mechanic, son of Joe the plumber, wife Susie, daughter Sammy. Many of us already do this)). Another reason is one of the strategies that the enemies of humanity have used to great effect is Divide and Rule. If your community is tight, that’s a lot harder. Another reason is that distributing your culture makes it durable. If one colony gets wiped out, for whatever reason, that doesn’t end it (and any survivors will have options to relocate)…
Let’s say this actually gets put into effect. I can easily imagine that the daughter colonies would want to hold a council meeting of the heads of the various industries these communities are organized around. This could be done on an annual or quarterly basis. There might even be get-togethers where families could get to know other families, and perhaps choose to change colonies, or marry off their sons and daughters. This would also allow for technology and skills exchange, and strategy sessions. This could also be an intentional, [21st Century Hanseatic League ]( infogalactic. com/info/Hanseatic_League)(5)
As each community is organized around a privately held joint-stock company, there’s no need to worry about having incompetence forced on you from the outside. You can buy in, or stay out. Those of meager means but skilled and competent will be staked by the existing members. Aspiring members might also first start out as employees, opt to take part of their wages in stock, and once earning sufficient stake become part of the community.
Organizing the community around the company essentially creates an “extended family business”. This can have the extremely important benefit of what to do with our ambitious women, who would otherwise doubtless grow up to be insufferable, childless girl bosses.(6)
You would want to train up your young men to be competent in the martial arts, including firearms, small unit tactics, and the latest state of the art in warfare. This is because as the Chechens have proven, enthusiastic martial prowess makes one harder to oppress and kill. Also having a cadre of trained young men can be valuable to the larger polity (as the Chechens are), and in the case of the United States, they could be easily incorporated into the county’s Sheriff’s department, either full time, part time, or on an as-needed basis. This would also have the benefit of affording everyone in our modern Techno-Hutterite community the “blue discount”.(7) This has the added benefit of getting other local jurisdiction’s boot off your neck.
This proposal should be of great interest to men of means, because they could, instead of building armageddon bunkers on remote islands, instead set themselves up as a modern day 21st Century baron ([or dare we say: duke]( www.youtube. com/watch?v=32jLrE7YKG0)), with a community of men that know what they’re about, ready to defend and protect him as necessary, as their fortunes are bound to his.(8)
The community would want to see to the education of their children themselves, naturally. An essential part of it would be the history of their forbearers, and the history of the colony itself, especially the reinforcement as to the reasons why they felt it necessary to do so in the first place. If by any chance you know any aspiring dukes or barons, by all means, point them this way. The future of humanity may well depend on it.
There’s also the option of simply buying a majority stake in an existing town. You’d want to buy up as many houses and rental properties as you can, and rent them at reasonable or even below-market rates. You’d also want to buy up as many businesses as you can, and pay the locals who would work there well. This is to ingratiate yourself to the community, which helps you put your people into public offices (esp. The sheriff, the mayor, and the town council), and will help grease the skids when you proceed to install your local high tech & somewhat less high-tech/supporting industry. Opportunity to buy in can be extended to locals that are considered a good fit. Also, as my friend [Cappy Copernica]( substack. com/@copernicus99)n has noted: Buy up all the bars. All of them. Pay the staff well, and don’t overcharge on the drinks.
This is ultimately of course only a temporary solution, as students of deep woo-woo history are aware of the [Yuga cycle]( clifhigh.substack. com/p/conspiracists-guide-to-the-great), which marks the rise and fall of humanity over tens of thousands of years, but this is a much larger problem. I hope to address this in a future article (working title: “Why We Must as a Species Create Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ In Real Life: Except Make It Based, Instead of Fake and Gay”), but that’s a larger nut to crack, and Techno-Hutteritism is a logical first step along that path.
This is no means an exhaustive list of such cultures, but I have examined: The Jews, Chechens, Druze, Quebecois, Zomia, and the various radical Anabaptists/Protestants. They all have certain characteristics, and traditions that have enabled them to survive as distinct cultures, and have for the most part, managed to grow their numbers.
The Amana Colonies died out, unfortunately, because of their rather [uncompromising stances on marriage, which were consequentially anti-natal]( infogalactic. com/info/Amana_Colonies#Marriage_.26_kids). As a side note, while much ink has been spilled over the fertility decline, it looks like all you have to do is make motherhood high-status and shockingly enough, [women want to have kids again]( theworld. org/stories/2016/08/01/mongolia-where-motherhood-merits-medal).
“…a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person.” Suggested to be 150 people. [ infogalactic. com/info/Dunbar%27s_number
]( infogalactic. com/info/Dunbar%27s_number)
This avoids the problem the Zomia have, needing to retreat further into the mountains when they are encroached on, but much like the practice of open carrying a firearm, you’d be much less likely to need to do so/use it.
I first learned about this from the Kingpilled Podcast, check it out here: kingpilled.substack. com/p/interview-emergent-perspective-elon-212 and [ kingpilled.substack. com/p/interview-emergent-perspective-the
]( kingpilled.substack. com/p/interview-emergent-perspective-the)
- [ socialmatter.substack. com/p/the-girlboss-a-misunderstood-phenomenon
]( socialmatter.substack. com/p/the-girlboss-a-misunderstood-phenomenon?utm_source=publication-search)
The “blue discount” is a slang term for when law enforcement officers, when realizing they have caught another law enforcement officer in a non-capital crime, use their discretion to look the other way. If you’re new to this term FYI: This happens all day, every day. It also applies to family. If you doubt me, if you’re good friends with one? Ask a cop. If he says this doesn’t happen, tell him you don’t care, but you’re either thinking of becoming a cop, or recommending someone you know become one, and tell him to stop bullshitting you, because you’re cool with all that.
I’ve drawn inspiration from this article on intentional communities: socialmatter.substack. com/p/intentional-communities, and from this article on “Techno-Cantons” nelsonrelliott.substack. com/p/the-techno-canton-a-vision-of-a-free both well worth the read and a follow.