Straws in the International Wind(s)

Here’s another happening that the LameStream Media seem to have missed:
US tech giant disbands research division in China – media — RT Business News

"International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is closing its research and development (R&D) division in China as the US tech giant pulls back from the world’s second biggest economy amid growing tensions between Beijing and Washington.

The shutdown of China Development Lab and China Systems Lab will reportedly affect more than 1,000 of the company’s employees in the capital city of Beijing, as well as in Shanghai and the northern port city of Dalian. …"

Not to worry. IBM is hiring a bunch of workers in Bangalore to pick up the load. Maybe the Bangalore IT guys who did the software for Boeing’s StarLiner are available?

The more interesting question is – What happens to IBM’s China-based facility and team? Does the building get converted into a mall and the team cast to the wind – or does some Chinese company take it over lock, stock, and barrel and boost the pace of innovation?

If IBM has to go to India to do work formerly done by high-tech Chinese IT employees, is that basically saying that they cannot find qualified US (or European) research-grade staff? And what would be the long-term consequences of that?