Why is it so difficult to extract drinkable water from seawater? Doooh—stupid second law of thermodynamics!
In the 1960s, there seemed a sweet solution to all of the “shortages” that vex our demon-haunted, fear-first age of technological timidity. You build the nuclear power plants on the seacoast, using the effectively infinite heat sink of the deep ocean as the cold sink (avoiding the need for those scary cooling towers!). In addition to generating electricity too cheap to meter for the power grid, the thermal energy, which would otherwise go to waste, is used to desalinate sea water, which supplies abundant fresh water for human consumption, agriculture, and the adjacent Fission Falls Water Park. Part of the fresh water and electricity is input to the electrolysis plant, which generates hydrogen for mobile transportation applications. The brine-rich by-product of desalination which isn’t sold as artisanal Captain Neutron nuclear sea salt is disposed of by dilution in the deep ocean.
Any territory, however small and seemingly resource-poor, with a modest ocean coastline, could become an energy, agriculture, and transport superpower if only they could tunnel through the fear barrier. New Hampshire has 21 km of Atlantic coastline, which advocates of Porcxit might bear in mind.