The case of the disappearing flu

An update regarding Sweden (top) and Germany (bottom) flu cases. No longer any uncertainty regarding the flu’s return to Sweden. Again, from WHO FluNet.


What seems to be missing here–and forgive me if someone has mentioned this–is the fact or seeming fact (now that there are no “facts” these days) that the main method of detecting COVID in 2020 was the PCR test, which apparently could not tell COVID from the flu. Miraculously flu last year vanished as shown in the graph of the OP, but COVID raged. Once again, we have been played by our Satanic, evil rulers all in the name of Great Reset and 4th industrial revolution tyranny.


… the main method of detecting COVID in 2020 was the PCR test, which apparently could not tell COVID from the flu. Miraculously flu last year vanished as shown in the graph of the OP, but COVID raged.

Well, take a look at the figure I inserted into the thread’s top post. That showed time series of flu cases (top) and flu tests (bottom). While cases (top) appeared to disappear, it wasn’t for lack of testing (bottom). Indeed, you can see that, historically, testing slacked off in the summertime, which we recognize is low flu season. Since the pandemic started, they’ve been testing for the flu like mad, independent of season, and finding precious little.

Now, I realize I’m making some assumptions. I’m assuming the flu tests have not changed with time. I’m also assuming the flu also hasn’t developed a new strain (H/N combination) that would evade the tests. I’m assuming that the WHO, from which I obtained the data, or the CDC, its original source, aren’t fudging the data inadvertently or intentionally. I’m assuming that other nations – from which the flu also disappeared – aren’t in on the conspiracy.

Those are a lot of assumptions, and I don’t trust Fauci or the CDC farther than I can throw them. But the disappearance of the flu (which is coming back, by the way) isn’t due to COVID PCR tests confusing the flu for COVID. If the flu were around, the massive number of flu tests taken would have caught wind of it.


If healthcare were decentralized, we’d have choice of data / test methods, and be able to make logical conclusions …


My understanding of the PCR tests is that they 1) will give you a false positive rather easily if the method of discerning positive or negative is tweaked ever so slightly (I don’t know nor do I care to know the minute little scientific details. I just know–and Fauci himself has said this–that if you have testing threshold at one level, you dramatically increase the chance of a false positive.) and 2) the PCR test cannot tell you what kind of virus you have, just that you have some viral traces. So with this knowledge, if we look at 1) flu cases virtually disappearing, 2) keep the PCR test at the unreliable metric creating false positives, and 3) use a bloody test that WILL NOT pinpoint what virus you have, it should not be that big of a stretch to say that the disappearance of the flu in conjunction with the rapid increase in COVID cases as indicated by a faulty test seems purposeful to achieve the best propagandistic effect.