Why did she say that about the table and the blue suit?
No, if I remember KJB’s testimony correctly, Heels Up Harris is going to have to have a biologist recognized as an expert in the field to provide a definition of “woman” AND then can the Court tell Heels Up Harris about her sex.
ATF agents are scanning local FFL records into a searchable database and they’ve been caught in the act
She must obviously (!!) be a biologist … one of the many facets of her complex personality that are revealing to all of us as we are basking in her glory with a child like sense of wonder.
What will we learn next?
Sounds like something from the Judge Dredd universe.
How could a blind person tell one color from another?
Maybe they meant peon to begin with and have two typos.
Thank goodness The lockpickinglawyer isn’t on tick tock
“Biden said in a statement on Monday that his administration was ready to “expeditiously” negotiate a new framework but that Russia should demonstrate that it is ready to resume work on nuclear arms control with the United States.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry is slipping. The automatic response to this should have been a statement welcoming resumption of talks – just as soon as the Biden Administration demonstrates good faith by stopping supplying weapons & information which are being used to kill civilians & soldiers in the Ukraine.
Of course, the real explanation for Biden’s statement – which Biden is certainly unaware he made – is that some bureaucrat has a specific objective to engage Russia in these talks, and Annual Performance Review time is approaching.
Oh we law dawgs are everywhere you want to be.