No air conditioning
No meat
No dairy
No wonder these Olympics are boring
Paging Snake Plisken!
The current UK government has accomplished what no other previous government could: uniting Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.
Spain joins in.
Brings to mind these words of William Blake.
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land.
Technically a decade ago:
This is totally normal behavior. I used to pick up dead bears during the spring in mammoth lakes, CA… actually the bears were already stuffed
Back to the British protests, here’s an amusing take.
A Harris victory is a necessary but insufficient condition to avoid a catastrophe. Biden must act now to provoke Congress to resolve the debt ceiling situation, ideally permanently. A prospective Harris administration must educate itself on the perils of gold-standard revanchism, and understand that cryptocurrencies are neither innovative nor neutral, but rather instruments of warfare which will be used by our adversaries to upend the world order.
I wonder what @Citizen_bitcoin thinks about this piece
@eggspurt is quoting the writer
Disagree about Harris as she is and will be a catastrophe.
Biden has zero interest in resolving the debt ceiling situation, regardless of his cognitive health.
Polymarket, a betting/prediction market, was built using Polygon and ETH, a blockchain based solution. Very innovative imo!
Bitcoin is innovative and neutral. I suppose it can be an instrument of warfare depending on the person or nation state.
I can’t opine on other cryptocurrencies as there are too many to monitor.
Regarding the perils of gold standard revanchism, terrible article by the Washington Spectator. Author gets many things wrong about the gold standard, the Tea Party and Ron Paul libertarians.
The gold standard was imperfect because it relied on fixed exchange rates. The bigger problem is fractional reserve banking which is inherently inflationary (Milton Friedman).
Abolishing the Federal Reserve would be ideal along with repealing the income tax amendment.
The gold standard is not a panacea. Ron Paul and the Austrian School of economics are wrong (which is another topic for another time).