edit: bribe amount = $450,000
I never realized these guys were so affordable.
“40% of our prison population is already repaying its debt to society.”
Being in prison where the criminal gets free lodging, free heat & light, free TV, free medical & dental care, free access to a top-class legal library – that is called “repaying his debt to society”? It sounds more like running up an additional debt to taxpaying society!
When we straighten things out after the Coming Collapse, criminals will first of all have to make full restitution to whoever the crime was committed against; then full restitution to society for the costs of apprehending, trying, and punishing him; and then pay a premium to society for the nuisance & damage caused by his behavior. That would be repaying his debt to society!
The criminals in El Salvador don’t get the things you stated. Bukele is referring to the criminals working to build roads ets.
Perhaps so, though @mettelus makes a valid point. Aside from that, getting these thugs off the streets would be well worth the cost. On net, El Salvador is better off for having done so.
Surprising coming from McCain. I thought she was a garden-variety RINO.
Particularly given that, I assume, Gabbard was quite hostile to John McCain.
However, that family is only known for holding grudges against actual Republicans.
This is the best argument I have seen for congestion pricing
Eric Raymond (famed for The Cathedral and the Bazaar) has a rather long post on X about the Left’s weapons of choice.
Your weapon is burned out. The preference-falsification bubble that gave it power has popped. We will no longer allow grifters and power-seekers to yank us around by our virtues.
It might just be me, if ever I get my 15 minutes of fame, I hope it includes calling me big balls or balls of steal.
Careful! The Biden Family has first dibs on that name. And nobody should risk crossing the Biden Family.