The Crazy Years


Yes. I know the persons who worked on the material.

Ignore the English version, it’s hopelessly garbled. As Ozymandias said below, this material is mostly from very late in Pharaonic Egyptian history, when the great empire was failing, not least because of the transition to the iron age, since Egypt had no access to the metal.


Nah that doesn’t sound like a test bed for another initiative at all.


Now the “sensitivity readers” are “improving” Agatha Christie.

Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries written between 1920 and 1976 have had passages reworked or removed in new editions published by HarperCollins to strip them of language and descriptions that modern audiences find offensive, especially those involving the characters Christie’s protagonists encounter outside the UK.

Sensitivity readers had made the edits, which were evident in digital versions of the new editions, including the entire Miss Marple run and selected Poirot novels set to be released or that have been released since 2020, the Telegraph reported.

The newspaper reported that the edits cut references to ethnicity, such as describing a character as black, Jewish or Gypsy, or a female character’s torso as “of black marble” and a judge’s “Indian temper”, and removed terms such as “Oriental” and the N-word. The word “natives” has also been replaced with the word “local”.

Among the examples of changes cited by the Telegraph is the 1937 Poirot novel Death on the Nile, in which the character of Mrs Allerton complains that a group of children are pestering her, saying that “they come back and stare, and stare, and their eyes are simply disgusting, and so are their noses, and I don’t believe I really like children”.

This has been stripped down in a new edition to state: “They come back and stare, and stare. And I don’t believe I really like children.”


Will it stop for pirates?


Only for crewless pirate ships.


CT it isn’t that. I’ve been stocking up.



“[D]evolved government”, indeed. Here is “Steerpike” at The Spectator in 2021 on “Six of the worst Humza Yousaf scandals”.

It can be a difficult task picking out the most incompetent minister in the Scottish government. … But of all the SNP’s top talent surely no man has blundered more regularly than Humza Yousaf. In the decade since his election to Holyrood he has established himself as the Forrest Gump of Scottish politics, popping up at a department every time it is bedevilled by controversy, misfortune or error.


One wonders if Mr. Yousaf will last as long as that nice English lady with the rather common accent did in Westminster, before she was replaced by a thoroughly representative Hindu billionaire? Meanwhile, the widely-ignored rioting in France points out that Mr. Macron is despised by the majority of his electorate. And with even the United Nations now criticizing that Churchill of our times, Zelensky in the Ukraine, for sending his goons against the Orthodox Church and significant numbers of Ukrainians risking being rounded up for conscription by surrounding certain churches, it is tough to find any Western “leader” who has the allegiance of his citizens.

It seems that the Mandate of Heaven is being withdrawn from Western-style “democracy”, which increasingly resembles nothing so much as cliques of high school Kool Kids. Perhaps the answer is to prohibit the development of a Political Class – elect true representatives by random selection from the voter roll for limited periods, with no possibility for re-selection and with very stringent provisions against the kind of political corruption which is so obvious today. That, and frequent public floggings of transgressing high-level bureaucrats.

Future Chinese PhD students are going to have a very rich seam to mine as they study the Decline & Fall of the West.


While on the surface your suggestion has lots of appeal, it would create, or embed, a political unelected class of “assistants, bureaucrats, and general apparachniks”. We have enough of those already. While Congress Critters may, from time to time, move on to other jobs, their “staff” usually simply latches onto the next defus elected.

Of course, the “excuse” is that our government is way too complex to tolerate such turmoil as a regular turning out of bureaucracy, yet that is exactly what is required - the simplification of government so everyone gets equal representation and benefits from a non-aligned government. What we have today is a kind of reverse fascism - corporate-run government, where the rich, big money gets what IT wants, and the Average Joe gets - nada.


Wholeheartedly agree! That is why there would be the need for public floggings of senior bureaucrats at the merest hint of incompetence or corruption. That, plus limited terms for senior bureaucrats – say, 5 years – after which they have to leave government service and be prohibited from ever returning to the Imperial Capital. And there would have to be a general elimination of pensions for government employees.

It all comes back to “democracy”. We the People could insist on almost anything. However, we seem to prefer to let the Kool Kids stomp around the world making enemies everywhere and sending the bill to us and our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


The police actions in the latest school attack by a mentally ill person versus the Uvalde attack are impressive. Thank God for these brave police.


GAN these made out of plastic mounted every few meters on the container ship:

Watch out for the ACLU bringing suit in the 9th district – but of course, such a suit would more likely involve a rope hanging from some rigging. Will the microaggressions never cease?


They just went in and got it done.
What a contrast to Uvalde,TX


Bring back the spoils/patronage system. Then at least they’ll answer to their elected boss.


ACLU from a different era: