The New Feudalism

Those of us who have been hanging on to Kamala’s every word may have missed other things which have been happening in the world. Mark Steyn summarizes one of them – which either represents an extremely improbable event (they do happen, of course) or evidence of the existence of our Feudal Overlords.
Asleep in the Deep (State) :: SteynOnline

The chain of probabilities went something like this:

  • Two Brits made a fortune selling out to Hewlett-Packard (rather low probability).
  • California’s Feudal Overlords took exception to this and charge the Brits with fraud. (OK, maybe that is high probability).
  • English Feudal Overlords extradited their British citizens to the US for trial (moderate probability).
  • The Brits actually got a trial (about 10% probability).
  • A California jury found the Brits Not Guilty (50% probability).
  • About 2 months later, one of the triumphant Brits died when his super-yacht sank in the Mediterranean (very low probability).
  • One the very same day, the other triumphant Brit was struck & killed by a car while jogging in the English countryside (very low probability).

The combined probability of all those occurrences is … probably on a par with the probability of Epstein successfully committing suicide in a US jail while under “Suicide Watch”.

The old Saxon peasants were unable to resist their Norman conquerors since the Normans had armor & weapons, while the peasants had little more than their hands. Technology has changed since then, but such occurrences suggest that today’s Feudal Overlords are just as adept at using the “Law” (and their immunity from that “Law”) on us peons as the Normans were at using their swords on uppity peasants.


You can contract the 10% trial rate and the trial 50% acquittal rate (way off) to a combined 0.4% federal case acquittal rate. I’d put the total prior odds at … zero.

This guy was running an intelligence-linked company, evidently he crossed the wrong people. That the yacht was called the “Bayesian” is just lampshading the message.

Many such cases, e.g. Nick Deak

There are many other cases it may be unwise to look into; power can be dangerous, apparent impunity doubly so.


Interesting statistics in that anti-Trump Pew report. About 1 in 50 of all Federal defendants go to trial, and about 1 in 5 of those who go to trial are found Not Guilty. The percentage of people who go jogging on English roads who get run over is probably even lower. Certainly makes the fates of those two Englishmen even more improbable.

Another interesting statistic is that charges are dismissed against about 1 in 12 of all those subjected to Federal charges, meaning the prosecutions should never have been initiated in the first place. That is rather a high failure rate for the Federal prosecutors. Evidence of over-reach?


Recognition of these facts were very likely THE reason that Soros decided - some time ago - that the most ‘bang for the political buck’ could be had by installing prosecutors. This has given us a marked Sovietization of the formerly decent system of governance. These same statistics are known to all who might wish to have some political effect, or even to merely express a viewpoint counter to the MSM-enforced ‘party line’. Knowing that, at the very least, one will be bankrupted if merely charged, results in many, many ‘plea bargains’. An example immediately came to mind when James Comey announced his heretofore unimaginable “reasonable prosecutor” standard in deciding to not indict Hillary Clinton for an entire series of felonies. She used a personal server to commit a fraud on the US government in order - obviously - to avoid FOIA access to her work documents (felony). She then engaged in numerous conspiracies in order to hide and/or destroy these many pieces of evidence - already under subpoena!! (servers and innumerable documents - each a separate glaring felony).

There are lots and of lesser mortals - likely few democrats (sic) among them - still rotting or having long rotted in federal prison, for far fewer and less egregious instances of those same felonies committed by Clinton et. al. Do you now see the importance of installing the “left” (and not the “right”) prosecutors? More recent examples of the one-sided system include John Durham (by INaction) and Robert Hur (of the “elderly man with a poor memory” infamy).

As a quick test of my assertions as to the importance of prosecutors in the functioning (or non-) of our entire system of governance, I propose a brief thought experiment: imagine the MSM uproar had Hur’s inaction been in favor of Republicans or if we still had a sitting (sorry, a falling one) Republican President with a “poor memory”. How many minutes or hours do you suppose a Republican President with a “poor memory” would have survived in office??


I know Robert Hur from high school. He is 2 years older than me. Very smart, very sharp guy. I am not surprised by his ‘fame and success’. His speech inflections and mannerisms have not changed in 33 years.

I have nothing negative to say about Mr Hur.

Jake Sullivan is a different story who was a year below me at the now defunct Calhoun College. The president of Yale cancelled John Calhoun who has been on the chopping block since 1990. I am upset and embarassed that some of my classmates have changed their affiliation to Hopper College which didn’t exist before 2017. They are literally rewriting history.

Apologies for the not so humble brag.