The Not So Crazy Years

A news snippet from Zerohedge. Apparently, Germany is not the only place where disgruntled people drive cars into crowds – it happens in China too. While the Germans have outsourced this form of mayhem, China relies on domestic providers.

Chinese Man Gets Death Sentence For Ramming Car Into Crowd, Killing 35 | ZeroHedge

But here is the interesting part. The horrible crime took place on November 11. The criminal was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death on December 27. It is almost like China has a Constitution guaranteeing the right to a speedy trial!

6 weeks seems like a reasonable time for such an open-and-shut case. But in the US, lawyers would still be drafting their preliminary motions to delay the trial.


Winston Sterzal’s The China Show has been covering the “Revenge Against Society” rampages in China all year.