The Potpourri

One would think the epidemiologists would be knocking each other over to explain this. We already know it can’t possibly be related to “vaccines “.


During the pandemic, I read some wag who asserted that the reason the Amish didn’t die of COVID is because they didn’t have TVs.

More seriously, my recollection is that Sweden didn’t avoid vaccines – the data are not immediately at hand – but they did reject lockdowns, probably didn’t force nursing homes to take COVID patients (like New York State), and probably didn’t try to attribute every death while COVID positive to COVID itself (excepting George Floyd’s of course).


I’ve no idea how they managed to get to those excess mortality estimates above given the reality visible in the raw data underneath:

Number of deaths per week in Sweden from 2015 to week 52 in 2023

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 9.06.10 PM

Number of deaths per month in USA from Jan 2020 to Aug 2023

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 10.13.41 PM





One interesting fact is that they attribute $10,000 per flight hour for traveling on a private plane. On the one hand, that alone could easily provide the bulk of Thomas’s purported gifts. On the other hand, That suggests that no other active justice has flown on a private plane.


Another aspect of this is the fact that a. dems (yes, there are D. and R. justices) are much more accomplished at hiding unfavorable things, dishonestly and b. even if the information existed, the media would not only NOT report it, they would go to any length to obfuscate it. It’s like the air we breathe - just the "normal’ way things are. You know, like Alito’s family flag flying upside down several years ago (his wife’s doing), and drudge (sic) already posed the question whether he would “survive” it.



I think the 35% figure, in particular, is an underestimate, especially when it comes to Trump.



Deeply disturbing, if true. What’s the source population?


I generally don’t take note of the sources for the graphics I clip (and nor do I necessarily endorse or believe them). But this one is clearly from The Economist, and I found the (paywalled) article it is from via reverse image search. I had a subscription to that magazine for decades but dropped it in the early 2010s as their politics and mine diverged.


Drudge Report has lost all credibility


This is so true

Non partisan means left wing


Generation gap?
More like gender gap

1 Like

The Economist was a good magazine in 1998

Like Drudge Report in 1998


Regarding screen time for children, the biggest factor is innate intelligence or IQ is the biggest factor for cognitive development

Screen time can have negative impacts on children’s development, including:

  • Impaired cognitive abilities and academic performance, as excessive screen time and media multitasking can negatively affect executive functioning, sensorimotor development, and academic outcomes.[2]

  • Language development delays, as screen time diminishes the quantity and quality of interactions between children and caregivers.[2]

  • Social-emotional problems like obesity, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior, and hindered emotional comprehension and social competence.[2][3]

Excessive screen usage, especially at a young age, is an independent risk factor for reduced psychological well-being.[2] Studies show associations between increased TV exposure before 18 months and emotional reactivity, aggression, and externalizing behaviors.[2] Higher screen time at age 4 is linked to lower emotional understanding at 6.[2]

While some educational content can enhance learning, the negative impacts are concerning enough that major health organizations recommend limiting screen time, especially for children under 5.[4][5] Parental involvement, setting boundaries, and providing alternative activities are crucial for managing children’s screen time.[2][4]

[1] What is screen time doing to children? What is screen time doing to children?
[2] Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Child Development - NCBI Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Child Development: An Updated Review and Strategies for Management - PMC
[3] What do we really know about kids and screens? What do we really know about kids and screens?
[4] Screen time and children: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Screen time and children: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
[5] Screen time and preschool children - Canadian Paediatric Society
[6] Children and too much screen time - Mayo Clinic Health System


Think about the delays in the spikes in the three female groups that spiked. There actually is a cohort overlap.

Consider an 18-year old girl who committed suicide in 2015. If a classmate of hers committed suicide in 2019, the latter would show up on the 20s plot. So some of those spikes in the older plots could be more of a delayed reaction to an event that triggered the spike in the younger plot.


Clinics serving the adolescent transgender population observed a change in the referral pattern after about 2005. Most notably, the gender identity clinic in Toronto, Canada, reported a dramatic increase in referrals at that time.15 At the Portman Clinic in London (part of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust) referrals increased very significantly from 2009 to 2016.16 At the Tampere University Hospital, Finland, referrals between 2011 and 2013 far exceeded the number expected from the findings of epidemiological studies.17 This had not been the case previously. There were two other changes in the referral pattern over this period. First, previously, roughly equal numbers of boys and girls had been referred, whereas the increase was associated with much higher numbers of those who had been assigned female gender at birth. Second, previously, the rates of mental ill health among referred children had been about the same as in the general population,18 whereas now much higher rates of psychiatric disorder, including autism, were reported.14,16

Emphasis added.